Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Finally, the lesson is over, I think to myself as I start walking Storm around on a loose rein and Hailey leaves with Scarlett and Tiffany's mums.

The lesson was pretty intense when it came down to the two girls riding, it was like a show down but Scarlett made Tiffany look like a beginner effortlessly, I admit, it was a little intimidating for me.

Storm has barely broken a sweat, maybe I might work him some more... Scarlett rides over to Emily and I as we walk around the ring.

"Your not stopping now, are you?" She asks us, eyeing Emily a little before giving her a look. Okaaaaay then...

"Maybe, why?" I ask her sitting up a little. Straight away she puts her hand up.

"If you said that to anyone else from Elliot Falls, you would be disgraced by all the equestrian people, but I'll let it slide because you probably haven't got the equestrian team rules book yet" Scarlett exaggerates shaking her head.

"I'm assuming you ride 1-2 hours a day, am I right?" She asks.

"Yea... How long are we suppose to ride for a day at EFA? By the way, this is Emily, she's also a new student" I tell her.

"Yea, I know, I saw her trialing at EA with one of our coaches, and as for the hours, at EFA, we must ride for 2-3 every day except the weekend, also Friday you only need to ride for 1 hour, for Emily, they'll obviously be working out different hours for you, since your on an academic scholarship" Scarlett finishes in monotone.

"That's pretty intense" Emily says ignoring Scarlett's tone.

"Yeah but it's fun, how about we ride for another hour maximum and see how your horses go" Scarlett says.

"I'll even show you things that EFA will have you to do next year, it'll be like practice for the real thing" she then adds in quickly.

"Alright, I'm in, Em?" I said.

"I'll pass, I need to head straight home, mum said" Emily says giving me an apologetic look before riding off on Merlin.

"Well what should we do?" I ask Scarlett, turning to face her.

"Drop your stirrups" was her reply.

1 hour later

After another of hard work and we are done, surprisingly Storm put up with the extra work load quite well, although he's sweaty so I'll definately give him a good cool down. Breeze comes up next to me looking quite tired and sweaty with Scarlett.

"How much was Breeze ridden do you think?" Scarlett asks.

"An hour or so 6 days a week I believe, but it depended on how Tiffany felt, probably less" I explain to her. Scarlett nodds silently.

"Okay well I'm going to go and take care of Breeze, I'll leave my number by Storm's stall so you can text me if you ever need anything, see you around" Scarlett says before heading out of the arena.

After a few more minutes I dismount Storm and leave the arena, as I get to his stall I swap the bridle to his halter and take the saddle off. I take him to a wash bay and hose him down along his neck, saddle area, where the girth was and his legs before scraping the excess water off. As I do this he lowers his head in relaxation and starts to have a little snooze. I take this chance to groom his mane and tail before picking his feet. After all this I notice the sun starting to set, I make a decision that afterwards I will put him in his stall for tonight since I just washed him.

"Come on boy" I said quietly waking him up from his mini nap before walking him to his stall where I release him. I check his water and hay before sending my mum a text telling her I finished taking care of Storm and to pick me up. I notice the sticky note on Storms stall with Scarlett's number, after putting it into my number I pace off to the front of the stables where I see my mum just pull into a car park.

After getting home I'm all grossed out and decide to have a shower and have dinner. After its all completed I get an email from my school account telling me about how I'm not to come to school for the rest of the week and that the account will be deleted by Sunday since I'm transferring. Sadness fills my stomach, I don't even know when I'm going to pack or leave.

I send Scarlett a text asking her if she could forward me the EFA equestrian team rule book before going to sleep.

Today was a long tiring day.

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