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i checked my handphone for the umpteenth time, but nothing appeared on my lockscreen. well, besides the notification that my kim kardashian game boyfriend missed me.

raven sighed and looked up from her magazine. "girl, stop pining for your boyfriend, he ain't gonna make the move, it's been a week."

"luke is not my boyfriend." i said defensively. we had exchanged numbers the day we met and i still had no news of him.

"dude, just call him or message him, say you wanna go out," raven shook her head, "it's not that hard."

i debated whether or not to message him and finally i did it, out of pure boredom. no gangsters came after me during this week so it had been rather uninteresting. not that i would like them to, but i don't know, it had kinda been a routine for me. kicking ass and being chased.

i pondered over what to type and sent it to luke's number.

me: hey, it's me anna. i was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me later? if you're free, that is. i don't mind if you can't come though.

luke: oh hi anna! im free tonight and dinner sounds great! so what time and where will we meet? is 7pm at Nando's fine with you? xx

while i tried not to overanalyze what the 'xx' meant, i typed back a response.

me: yeah sure, see you soon! :)

him: ;-) xx

"raven, can you drop me off nando's at seven? i'm meeting luke." i said, smiling.

she dropped her magazine onto the sofa. "then we better get you dressed up!" she clapped her hands and dragged me into my room.


raven drove me to nando's and slapped me in the back for good luck. she literally pushed me out of the car because i was so nervous and told me that i would be alright and told me to just act like myself.

i wandered into nando's, searching for luke who told me he was already here. i was dressed in a black leather jacket which i picked but the rest was chosen by raven. i donned a small black dress and skin-colored leggings that covered my skin. the high pumps were insisted by my dear roommate too. but i had to admit, i did look good.

i finally found luke and our eyes met. he was wearing all black, jeans and a big t-shirt with a flannel around his waist. he even styled his quiff which was, in fact, higher than my self esteem. we both looked good together in black. wait, who was I kidding.

we ordered our meals and talked. it was random, nonsensical and a bit awkward. but we soon eased the tension when luke made a joke. and a really really bad one at that.

"anna, why didn't that toilet paper cross the road?" luke asked, a grin spread across his face. he ate his chicken in excitement.

"uh..." i was very bad at jokes, "i don't know."

luke managed to spit out the answer before he burst out laughing " it got stuck in a crack!"

his face turned as red as his chilli sauce and he laughed his head off, clutching the table. i didn't get the joke for a second but when i did, i laughed along with him.

"that—laughs—was—laughs—the—laughs—worse— laughs—joke ever!" but my emotions betrayed myself and i felt a tear coming out of my eye. i wiped it immediately. people in the restaurant were looking at us strangely and i tried to stop laughing but luke's hyperventilation made me laugh even more.

we managed to stop laughing after five minutes or so, and luke said, "sure it was, since you laughed so hard." luke smirked sarcastically and he brushed my hair out of my face, cautious not to touch it.

this dinner was going really well so far, but of course, good things come to an end. when everything died down, luke's face turned serious. that face reminded me of my father when he was still alive, when he was concentrating hard in his office. i bit my lip and wished the memory away.

"anna, can i ask you a serious question?" he said," please don't be angry, it's okay if you don't want to answer it."

his penetrating stare caused me to look down at my plate of chicken, "um, sure, why not?"

"why were you being chased by gangsters?"


ugh luke way to ruin the fucking moment eh?

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