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Anna went down the long deserted streets. It was getting darker and cold with every pasting second. I kept following her as close as possible without her knowing. It's been awhile since we left the bar. I wonder if anyone has noticed that we left? Suddenly Anna made a sharp turn into an alley. What is she thinking? I quickly hid behind the corner. She was just standing there. She took out her red marble and looked around. There was nothing, she put the marble away. Then turned to leave.

"Hello little girly." a man with big hands grabbed her. Anna hit him, but not hard enough. She wiggled in his grasp. He grinned his teeth together. He raised his hand and slapped Anna.

"Get your fucking hands off of her!" I came out of my hiding place.

"Who's going to make us?" the man asked.  Us, what the hell? Two more man, one with a leather coat and the other with an ugly ass haircut come out behind him. Shit! I shot three fire balls at them. They fell on the dirty and garbage filled ground. Anna ran out of the man's hands and hurried over to my side. The three men started to recover. Anna hid behind me and hugged my leg. They got up with a deadly look in their eyes.

"Run!" I whispered to Anna, so she could only hear.

"I can't leave you. I'll stay."

"No!" I shouted strictly. The men got closer. It's like my hand had a mind of it's own and was on Anna's hand. "Get out of here!"

I pictured HOMRA's bar. There was a flash of light. Then Anna was gone. Good now it's time to teach these asses a lesson, I cracked my knuckles.

P.O.V Yata

I noticed Akene sneak out, along with Anna. I didn't feel like drinking and betting tonight, I decided to follow them just in case. I knew Akene was having an off day. Anna went into an alley then Akene did too. I peeked around the corner. There were three guys. Akene yelled at Anna to run, but she was being stubborn. Suddenly there was a blinding flesh of light. I shielded my eyes with my arm. When I opened them, Anna was gone. Did Akene do that?

P.O.V Akene

I threw some punches at the men, but two of the men grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall. The other man smirked and knocked the wind out of me. I couldn't stand anymore, but thanks the the two men, they stood me up ready for more. I continued to take the blows. I was sure I would have a black eye tomorrow. I licked my lips. I tasted cooper. More blood came. It was at the back of my throat. I wanted to spit it up.

"Boss, I think she had enough." the man with the haircut said, looking down at me. I panted. How much could I take?

"What did you say?!' the man asked.
He hit me again.

"N-nothing."  the man with the haircut backed down. Coward, I thought.

"Ha, that's what I thought." the man went back to business. After a couple more swings, I was ready to lose it.

"Boss, he's right. She's had enough!" the man in the leather coat agreed.

"Fine. I'm starting to get bored anyways."

The two men released me. They began to walk away. I was free to cough up some blood. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. Suddenly a gun was pointed at my head. My life flashed before my eyes.

"Where are you going, big brother?"

"I have a new home now."

"I wish you were dead!"

I don't know why, but that moment continue to play in my head. It was like a record stuck on rewind. I remembered seeing that boy's lifeless body on the floor. I returned back to present time. The gun was still pointed at my head. Maybe, karma is finally catching up to me, I thought. I closed my eyes. Just pull the trigger, I'll take the pain. The gun went off, but I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes. I'm not died? I checked if I was shot, but there was not a hint of any bullets in me.

"Hey, jerk offs. You should know better how to treat a woman." a familiar sarcastic voice said. Yata! I looked up. He stood between the men and me with the gun in his hand.

"Get out of the way kid!" the man with big hands yelled angrily.

"Who ya calling kid. I'll show you!" Yata's temple rose. He knocked out all of the men in one swift motion. Yata smirked, then turned his attention back to me. He picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer and rested my head on his shoulder. Then fell asleep.

P.O.V Yata

Akene fell asleep. She looked so peaceful. I kissed her on the forehead.

P.O.V Akene


I woke up. Where am I? I sat up and looked around. I was in my apartment.

"Yeah, go back to bed. You need your rest." Yata had a wash cloth in his hand. It was stained with my blood. I started into his eyes. Why is he helping me? I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears. I bowed my head level to Yata's stomach.

"I killed him!" I shouted. I pounded my fist on his chest.

"Who?" he asked. He sounded considered.

"My brother!"

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