A Shadow In The Light Chapter 11

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It was all over Ghostly was gone forever. Reaper pushed her sister's body down the steps of the academy. What was that Thunder Snow said. It was my sister she killed my parents right in front of me when I was first hatched Reaper said with a sigh. They all turned around when a bright purple light behind the glowed and then disappeared they turned around Ghostly's body was gone. Where did Ghostly go? Frostbite said I don't know but she is gone for all we know Reaper said. A couple of hours had past all of the winglets were going to sleep. Um... Thunder Snow... thank you for... Um... saving me back there Frostbite said um... Your welcome He said with a very visible smile. Frostbite blushed an they went to there caves. Frostbite has very scary nightmare that Ghostly was alive and that she killed her friends and that she snapped Thunder Snow's neck right in front of her. Frostbite woke up in the morning with a worries look on her face when she didn't see her friends in their cave. She ran to the prey center and found Reaper,Hawkstorm, Sandstorm, and Thunder Snow they weren't together Reaper with a Skywing and Sandstorm and Hawkstorm were together talking and Thunder Snow was by himself and he had an uneaten goat in front of him. Frostbite walked over to him hello Thunder Snow she said a little uneasy. Oh hello Frostbite... You don't look so well Thunder Snow said um ya I had a nightmare or vision or something about you and the others dying by that dragon Ghostly she said that's weird I had almost the same dream except it was Magister my great grandfather Thunder Snow said. " go to the caves " said a voice that sounded familiar. Ermine? Frostbite said what? Thunder Snow I heard something in my mind it said go to the caves and I think he means where Magister was freed. Why would Ermine say that I do not even think he has those powers he said looking confused. we need to go there Thunder Snow with the others I don't want my vision or dream to come to life! Frostbite said worried. Ok I will tell the others and we will sneak out tonight when no one is awake he said getting up. A couple hours past. Ok thank you for coming we need to get rid of this evil we are going to some caves Hawkstorm, Sandstorm do you think you can handle the cold? Frostbite said yes they said at the same time. They flew for at least 5 hours until they finally arrived at the caves where Magister was released. They walked in to the cave where he was released and heard laughing they say Magister and Ghostly. A hand held Frostbite back she saw that it was Ermine. Hello Frostbite and Thunder Snow he said. All of them looked back at Ermine now that you are all here Magister is still alive and apparently he has made a new friend a dragon named Ghostly is it? He said yes she is my sister Reaper said with a frown. I thought we killed her back at the academy you saw Thunder Snow snap her neck Sandstorm said. It's impossible though there has to be something that will destroy her Frostbite said with a confused look on her face. Well she is an animus dragon so maybe animus magic will stop her Hawkstorm said looking at the others. But how do we get rid of Magister Thunder snow said we will fight magister and the other will fight Ghostly Ermine said. That could workout but we need a distraction so we can make a good a track on them I will make the distraction Reaper said ok just be careful Frostbite said. Reaper went in front of the to dragons. Well hello sister Ghostly said with a growl . I thought you were dead Reaper said oh it is so easy to trick dragons isn't it well haven't you seen I have made a new friend Reaper he will help me destroy you and you friends and the whole entire academy Ghostly said with and evil smile. Sandstorm and Frostbite tackled Ghostly while Ermine and Thunder Snow started attacking Magister with their glowing purple tail markings. Get off of me you miserable lizard Ghostly yelled Sandstorm and Frostbite grabbed Ghostly by the head and started concentrating their magic onto Ghostly's mind while Reaper and Hawkstorm we're pinning her to the ground. Ghostly was unconscious and lay on the floor. Sandstorm, Hawkstorm, and Reaped surrounded Ghostly making sure she wouldn't attack anyone. Frostbite went to attack Magister she clawed at his neck and it made a gash. Thunder Snow and Ermine made their tail glow and hit Magister with it he hit Thunder Snow with a big blow of his purple tail knocking Thunder Snow out. Ermine breathed Frost breathe at Magister's neck freezing him and Frostbite used her animus Magog to slam Magister to the floor. Now Ghostly and Magister were unconscious. A couple minutes later Sandstorm and Frostbite used their magic to encase Ghostly and Magister in the ice for all eternity. They were finally done all of them left the cave knowing they won the battle but Reaper and Frostbite left the cave knowing that Ghostly and Magister were still alive.

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