Iko Walks Into a Palace-

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Selene's attention was captured by a woman screaming at a small android. "You worthless piece of junk! Can you do anything right?!" The small robot was releasing noises that almost sounded like crying.

"Excuse me," Selene coughed. "Is this booth open?"

The woman screaming at the android paused to acknowledge her. Her angry scowl morphed into a fake smile. "Why hello, Madam. I'm deeply sorry for ... that." She gestured to the robot still huddled in a ball like a child. How could an android register emotions on that level?

Two other girls wandered into the space behind the booth. One looked older by a few years and was as sour as a lemon. The other was younger and appeared sweet and innocent.

"Is there anything you are looking for in particular, Miss?" Selene scanned the area for something to catch her eye, but all that came up was the android. She pondered what it could be useful for. Maybe to help her remember important agendas, or aid her with her plans. Or maybe just something to talk to.

"Are you selling that android in the back?"

The woman's face dropped in disbelief. "Uh ... Yes! Yes of course," She ran back to where the poor thing was, pulled it into her arms, and brought it to the front of the booth. She dropped it with a thud onto the table. "How much would you like for it?"

The device store up at her with uncertainty, another odd thing for an android to do. "Whatever you think it's worth, Madam ..?"

"Adri. Linh Adri. And I think this bot it worth ... 700 universe." Her voice trailed off and Selene's orange light flickered in her head. Never the less, it was an okay deal.

"Done." Adri's face lit up, and so did the elder girl's. But the younger teenager was desperate to conceal a frown. Selene held out her wrist, adorned with a bracelet with an ID chip inside. Her wrist was scanned and shock washed over Adri's face. She dropped her head and bowed. "Your majesty. I'm sorry I did not recognize you." The girls behind were confused, but lowered themselves anyway.

"It's fine, Madam. There is no need to bow."

The three rose and the little robot squealed. "I knew it! You're Princess Selene of Luna!"

"Shh!" Selene was now upset, with an android! "Please don't."

"Cinder." A hand rested on her shoulder. "Oh thank the stars you're alright." Damn it, Kai! The three women bowed again because they surely knew who this man was. "Okay .. now might be the best time to leave."

"Agreed." Selene took the android in one arm and turned back in the direction of the palace. The two ran to the gates as they swung open. Once inside, they crashed onto a bench in the gardens to rest. "Well that was fun." She face Kai, who was looking back at her with his eyes so dreamy and soothing.

"Glad you had a good time. But next time, please don't scare me and run away." He paused and his face reddened. "I mean, that is ... if you would like to do something like that again."

"Yeah. Now that I know you have no intentions of forcing me to marry you, that would be great." Cinder tightened her hold on the little robot, stood up, and began her way back to her chambers. Not daring to see how Kai reacted to her last statement.

She closed the door to her room lightly and gently let the the Android down on the floor. "Oh my stars! I can't believe that I am now property of the Princess of Luna!" it turned to address her. "You're not going to destroy me or anything, are you?"

"No! Ugh. Is that what eartherns think of us now? That all we wish to do is destroy and watch people suffer?"

"Yes," it said plainly. "My name's Iko, by the way."

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