- But So Do Lies

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He could feel the beads of water rolling down his cheeks, onto his neck and clinging to his shirt. But he didn't care if he cried until the sun went down. Cinder was being lied to, being tricked into thinking that she was forcing him to love her. Her eyes were full of sorrow and desperation. She was trembling like an animal scared of its abusive master. "I won't leave you here! Come on. You're coming with me." He began to speedily walk over to her with his hand outstretched. He only came a few strides closer when a blunt force penetrated his thoughts. LEAVE NOW! He stopped in his tracks. He had felt this kind of horror before. It was the work of a glamour.

His first thought was Levana was trying to make him upset Cinder even further. But as he opened his eyes, he saw that his love, his freedom, his everything, his Cinder was feeding him these thoughts. LEAVE NOW!!! His head began to throb, his heart pounded to the point of almost unbearable pain. He clenched his jaw to keep the harsh sounds that clawed at his vocal cords at bay. "Cinder! Stop this!" he cried. But the words repeated with no mercy. Her angelic voice turned dark lord's shout brought the command back into his mind over and over again.

His resistance was dying out. The nearly repaired scars on his heart were bursting at the seams. She was trying to make him leave her. To forget her and just stay out of her way. Attempting to purge herself from his life like she was an unwanted disease. But she was all he needed to survive. She was the only thing that mattered to him now. Nothing else in this solar system could bring him the hope and joy that she gave him with a single glance. LEAVE NOW!!!

He finally gave in. He was not the best at pushing thoughts of her out of his head without influence. So he couldn't have stood much of a chance against her glamour. He straightened without his mind's consent, and started his way to the door. She made him wipe away the tears in his eyes and on his face. She forced him to walk into his room and sit on his bed. Once she was sure that he was contained enough, she lifted her hold on Kai.

He wouldn't just sit there and take defeat. He had to go save Cinder, HIS CINDER, from the darkness that had begun to gorge itself on her good heart. He launched off his bed to his door. He sprinted to her room. Just as the door sealed shut, he almost crashed into it. He pounded of the door with all the strength in his body. He shouted her name at least a hundred times. He kicked, punched, and even rushed the door, but to no avail. The cries of her name became weaker, softer, and more hopeless. With his last blow at the door, he caved. His body slumped against the door as he slide down to the floor.

His tears came prickling back into his eyes. His fists and legs pulsed with aggravation. Though, through the door, he could faintly hear the tear-less sobs of the princess. His princess. Why did she have to be so stubborn? Why couldn't she just believe that he loved her unconditionally and that she was his only way out. His only escape from this flawed life he was bred to live.

"I never thought I would have the pleasure of seeing Prince Kaito himself in such a feeble state," the queen of the damned laughed. "I only meant for that to affect my niece. But now I guess I know where your soft spot is too." She proceeded to think that this pain was entertaining. That his one and only was just a toy to be broken whenever she felt like inflicting harm.

"Why you-" his shout was cut off by another stab into his head. Why did she have to have a glamour?

"It wouldn't be wise to attack me, Prince Kaito. After all, I am still the Queen of Luna. I also have full guardianship over the one you love so dearly," the wicked demon was actually thinking about hurting Cinder even further. The thought made is blood boil like a volcano. All he wanted to do now was go up to that undeserving waste of space and strangle her.

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