Crash, Crash, Fall to Earth!!!

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"Oh ****".

Now, Cress didn't know more than probably five swear words. But she knew this one very well. She'd see it many times in her Second Era fanfictions. And she knew it's definition after looking it up on a tired night.

She didn't want to sleep in her bed for at least a week after finding out what exactly the word meant.

Now, Cress thought Thorne was going to run back into the Rampion and hide like a coward. But the criminal had other plans. The first thing he did was pull a gun from out of back pocket of his pants and point it at Sybil. He pulled the trigger and shot her before she could glamour him.

Then, he ran to her, grabbed her by the hand, and tugged her back to the opening her came from.

"Clay! Get on the ship!" Sybil ordered as she held what looked like the area over her stomach as she knelt on the ground. Thorne bolted onto the ship with her in tow as the guard ran a mere few feet behind them.

"We got unfriendly people coming on my ship!" Thorne announced. He relentlessly pulled her by her arm until they passed what looked like a wolf-man hybrid and an angry ginger. Just as Thorne rushed her into a room to keep her safe, two more people came into view. The girl she met before this all began, Cinder, and her Mistress. And she was no longer wearing a proud smile on her lips. Her features were speckled with blood droplets. Her expression twisted into a hideous snarl.

They were all going to die.


"Princess Selene?" Jacin asked. A grin played on his lips – which was a rare and beautiful thing.

"Hi, Jacin," Cinder said quickly. "Duck or you might get shot." Immediately, he tucked himself out of the way and let Cinder see Sybil. Stars, if Sybil saw this, her plan would be revealed, and she would be in more trouble than she could deal with at the moment.

"Finally," Sybil growled. She pulled a gun from her waistband. To her surprise, she didn't point it at Scarlet, Thorne, Iko, or even Wolf. She pointed it at her. "I get fulfill my order to the queen."

Scarlet cocked her pistol and pointed it at Sybil. Sadly, her hands immediately fell to her sides and released her gun. Wolf clutched his head in his hands. Sybil was controlling them.

"What are you talking about?" Cinder questioned. Cress came out of the room behind her, obviously curious.

"Queen Levana gave me specific instructions for once I found you," Sybil smiled, all evil and sadistic. "She ordered me, and any other Thaumaturges under her rule, to kill you on sight."

Now, that made more sense than it should have. If Cinder should die, Levana would be the only one felt from the throne on Luna. She guessed that the only reason Levana refrained from attempting to kill her after the fire was because she could use Cinder to gain leverage in the E.C. Now that Cinder was "out of the picture", Levana had no use for her. Which made her disposable.

And put Kaito in danger.

The only way Levana could gain power in the E.C. if Cinder was killed, would be to wed the current ruler. So, if Levana was already trying to kill Cinder, that meant she was getting ready to marry the only one left of the E.C. royal family... Kai.

Okay, for what happened next, Cinder had no control over. It's just, the idea of her aunt trying to marry the guy she cared for more than almost anything, her fiance for stars sake. It was a bit more than she could handle at the moment. Add that to the fact that she was trying to save the world from Levana and just preformed a rescue for a girl that had been trapped on a satellite. Plus, Cinder was pretty sure Thorne was tugging on the hem of her sleeve, which was aggravating enough.

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