The Past Hurts Us All

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Cress couldn't sleep. Once again, the word of her mistress were ringing in her head, taunting her.

"Your father was a coward, and he gave up his friends in hopes to get something from the Queen. Once we knew what he and his companions were up to, we eliminated them. He got way, and ran off like the coward he was. I can't expect much more from you, Crescent. After all, you are his child."

All the while Sybil had told her this, she'd been smiling at how it made Cress feel. It hurt her to know that her father could have been so selfish, and that he would give up his friends for anything.

That night, she finally mustered up enough courage to find her father. And did not like what she found.

Dr. Sage Darnel, world renowned scientist on Luna. Was very high in the ranks of doctors in the palace, and had served the queen. But what he was most famous for, was helping Levana "save" Selene from people attempting to "abduct" her.

Her father was the reason why Selene didn't go to Earth in the first place. He was the man that gave her up. He betrayed her. And Cress had no idea why. So it didn't phase her when she found out he was dead.

Now, upon learning all of this, Cress became cold, angry, and void of hope. She grew older feeling like this satellite was good for her. At least, it was better than living with a traitor.

When Cress met Cinder, and she asked her to help the princess, Cress agreed, but not because it was right. She wanted to prove that she was nothing like her father. That she was a hero, and would do the right thing, no matter the cost.

Plus, if this went as it should, her family name would be redeemed, and she would be free.


Scarlet sat on her bed, too confused to think of anything unrelated to the situation she was being faced with.

Two hybrids were now on her property, one dangerous, the other claiming not to be.

Her Grandmere tried to harbor the princess of Luna in their basement, before they'd been caught.

She was 1/4th Lunar. Her father was half Lunar, and her Grandfather had given his life to safe her Grandmere.

After leaving her Grandmere's room to take a deep breath, she'd had a bit of time to think, which confused her even more. So, naturally, she went back, to ask more questions.

"Why are they doing this now?" she asked.

"I don't know what you mean, child," Michelle replied.

"You tried to help the princess years ago. Why didn't they try to get you then?"

Michelle was about to speak, then shut her mouth. Just like Scarlet, she couldn't understand why they'd waited so long to act against her.

"Because the princess has been kidnapped," a voice called. Both women looked to the doorway, and saw Wolf, the bulky hybrid, leaning on the frame.

"What?" Scarlet said, aghast. "Wouldn't that have been all over the news by now? On both Luna and Earth?"

"The Royal Family of Luna and Prince Kaito of the Eastern Commonwealth are covering it up to help the search for the princess. They fear that if this becomes world wide, the search will only become that much harder."

"How was she taken?" inquired Michelle.

"She was abducted while out in a marketplace in the E.C. It's been a few days, and both kingdoms are desperate for answers."

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