Don't Get Caught ...

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Cress sat in front of her computer and dreamed pensively of the day she would be freed from her prison. She knew that she would be saved, and that it would probably be Thorne who saved her.

It was difficult to despise him now. Especially when she dreamed that he would come bursting into her satellite and take her away from it. That he would come to save her from the life she'd been bound to live.

She had no idea what these dreams meant, or if they would even come to pass. After all, there were four other people on that ship, and any one of them could be the one to come and get her. But deep down in her gut, she knew it was going to be Thorne, and that he was going to get her to her happy ending.

For her to be able to hope again, it felt like all of the pain and misery was melting away.

At one point in her life, Cress used to dream that her father would come to save her. She'd heard that her father was the only person in her family that wanted to keep her. And that he was a doctor, something she'd wanted to be while in the lava tubes.

That's why Sybil had told her that her father was a coward. Because she knew it was wreck her fantasies of ever being rescued. And that it would take away any thought she ever had of finding somewhere besides this satellite to live out her life.

But now, there was another man who'd come along, and he could give her everything she wanted. She still didn't like the fact that he was a tramp. But if he could get her to Earth, to find a place where she could be happy, that would change everything.

All she had to do, was keep them hidden long enough for them to get to her.

Too bad that Mistress Sybil's ship was now approaching the satellite.

Her rehearsed dance began to take first priority in her mind. She quickly closed all of the tabs on her computer even remotely related to Selene or her plans.

45 seconds till docking ...

She leaped out of her chair and raised her bed into the wall. Fluttering around the room, she picked up any stray dress that might have been on the floor, and threw them into a hamper to be washed later.

10 seconds till docking ...

Cress smiled as she flew around the room to find anything that may have been out of place. Only a few things seemed to be out of place.

Now, it was time to be the good, obedient girl that Sybil could tolerate. And not squirm while she took her blood.

3 ... 2 ... 1 .. Docking completed.


Thorne really didn't like the idea of waiting on his ship while the entire world was tracking him down. He had an idea to get it to stop, but he didn't think Cinder would really go for it. So, he'd probably have to do it on his own.

But maybe with a little help from someone else on the ship.

"Iko!" he called from out of the cockpit. Footsteps pattered down the hall toward him. Sadly, they weren't Iko's.

"Why do you want Iko?" Cinder asked from behind him. Great. She was exactly the last person he wanted to talk about this.

"Oh, uh..." He struggled to come up with a lie. Which was usually his forte. "I just needed to ask her a question about ... the latest fashion styles. I want to look good when I'm declared a hero for helping save the world."

That was pretty good, he thought. Half of that was true, mainly the second half.

"First of all," she began. "You're lying. Second of all, we agreed that we would help you stay out of jail for the rest of your life. I don't think Prince Kaito will want to deem you a hero after kidnapping me."

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