My name ... Is Angry

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Kai was standing outside Cinder's room as she spoke to her new android. He had no idea what they were saying. But he could hear the android when she squealed.

He heard someone coming to the door and he backed away to hide. Selene walked out with her new robot, who had a new body? "Well what do you want to do?" Iko asked.

"No idea. What do you suggest?" Is Cinder actually treating this robot like a person?

"We could walk around and hope we don't bump into you-know-who." Who the heck are they talking about?

"Sounds like a plan." The two began to stroll down the halls of the palace, and Kai followed from a distance. He watched as the two passed by countless rooms and talked about a subject he could not comprehend.

Cinder came to a stop out of no where. "Iko," she whispered. "I think we're being followed." They exchanged similar looks previous to darting down the hallway. Kai tried to stay an appropriate distance away while tracking them. But they entered a room and locked the door, preventing him from following. Great!

He leaned against the wall. Why was he chasing this girl? What drugs were being forced down his throat in his sleep? His daze was broken when Dr. Erland passed him. "Hello, Prince Kaito. By chance have you seen an escort droid with blue hair running around?"

"Yes. I believe Princess Selene used it as a new body for her android."

"Oh. Well I guess I'll have to find a new one for my friend in Africa," he sighed. "But what's even more curious is that the princess would have an android in the first place. Does she know that they are impervious to all glamours?"

"I think she does know that."

"Well, it was, as always, a pleasure to talk to you, Your Highness." the doctor was out of sight in seconds. Kai could never get a good understanding of that man. He was always so distant and emotionless. And he never stayed around long enough to have an actual conversation.

Kai knocked on the door. He felt a strong desire to see Cinder. She had been in that room for a while now. He looked up and saw the room label above the door, Mechanical Repair. He wondered what they could be doing inside to be keeping themselves occupied.


"What are you doing to that android?" Iko was whining about how they were stuck in this room.

"I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with it. Then, I'll fix it."

"Why do you do this stuff? Your a freaking princess!"

"I get bored of being a princess very easily."

"How?!" Iko threw out her arms and hit the wall. She recoiled her arm back into her body. "No! Don't tell me I just broke my new hand!"

Selene groaned and stood up. She went over to Iko and took her hand. After closely examining it, she came to a conclusion. "I think your hand is fine. Now stop complaining!"

"Fine! Geez, for a princess, you sure aren't very wordy or classy."

"I can't be the nice Cinder you like, and a ladylike princess at the same time. What would you rather have?"

"I'll go with the nice Cinder. Thank you very much."

"That's what I thought." Cinder turned back to the android that was lifeless on the floor. She had opened the panel and could not see what was causing it to stay inactive. She reached deep into the wiring to find the personality chip. Maybe it's corroded or broken. Unhooking the small prism, Cinder brought the chip into the light. At first glance, it looked perfectly fine. But when she turned to see the back, there was another chip attached to it. She tried to pry the two chips apart, and the attempt was futile. For her second try, she peeled of the glove on her metal hand once more. She concentrated as well as she could to activate one of her defense mechanisms.

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