Don't Give Up Hope

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Scarlet sat on the edge of her bed, disassembling and reassembling her pistol in her lap. The motions of taking apart her weapon were second nature to her now, and quite soothing to her. Reminding her of the day her Grandmere gave her the pistol as a birthday present.

Stop thinking about her. She's gone and she's not coming back.

She hated to dwell on the fact that the other soldier had murdered the last bit of family Scarlet really even had. Her father had been the worst parent in the world to her, and she'd spent most of her life in her Grandmere's care. Now, the days of doing chores around the farm were over, and she was stuck on this freaking spaceship.

"Scarlet." The call of her name came from outside her door. It sounded male, making her guess it was Thorne, being his annoying self as usual. Before getting up to answer, Scar reassembled her gun one more time and placed it on the bed beside her.

Taking in a deep, calm breath, Scarlet stood up from the bed and made her way to the door. She pressed the button beside the frame, and allowed whoever was on the other side to see her.

Unlike what she thought, it wasn't Thorne on the other side of the door. It was Wolf. Suddenly, she regretted leaving her pistol on her bed.

"Hi Scarlet," he gently smiled. Revealing his pointed canines ever so slightly. Foot was tapping rapidly, and he wasn't looking at her, but down at the ground. "I just wanted to make sure .. that you were okay."

Scarlet couldn't feel her heart beating in her chest, which scared her just as much as the fact that Wolf had broken free from his bonds. Shallow breaths inflated her lungs as she backed up step by step.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, cautious not to anger him. She'd seen him in a fight, and even as strong as she knew she was, he was at least ten times that.

He rubbed his hands in front of him, still not daring to look her in the eye. "I- I just told you."

Halfway there, she thought. Halfway to her bed, to her weapon, and to her chance to make sure he stayed away from her.

Wolf sighed. "I'm not going to hurt you." He put his hands up and level with his head. "You don't need to get your gun."

All at once, she could feel her heart beating again, so fast, as if it was trying to make up for the beats it missed. "How do you know I was going for it?" she asked, both defiant and curious. It's not like he saw it. He was still eye balling the floor.

"I can smell the gunpowder from here," he answered. "And I can here you getting closer to where it is."

Anything Scarlet my have said was caught in here throat. How good was he? He could smell the gunpowder of a pistol and hear her in her tennis shoes? It was quite impressive to her. But not to mention one of the freakiest things she'd ever seen.

"Actually," he said, almost pained, "I did come here for another reason." He stepped into her room, without her permission. Though Scarlet wasn't about to comment on it. She kept slowing backing away to her bed, and eventually laced her fingers into the correct points of her weapon. Wolf let out a laugh without humor half a second later. Like he'd sensed her puck up her gun, or that she didn't trust him.

"I wanted to tell you the whole story," he confessed. "About how I knew you and why I was sent after you. I thought you deserved to know .. since-"

"Oh please," Scarlet barked. She knew exactly where this was going. "Are you seriously trying to make me feel better about you because of my Grandmere?" Do you really think that after what you did, just telling me your tragic back-story and saying you're sorry will make me like you?"

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