They Wanted To Butter My Muffins

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This happened four years ago, when I(F) was 15. After school every day, my sister and I would pick up a special bread for our sick brother before driving home. Usually, I would run in and get bread while she waited out in the car. On one particular day, she was going to go fill gas while I was getting the bread and I, of course, forgot my phone in the car.

I went in, got the bread real quick, and waited outside for her. I used to wear my mom's clothes all the time, so I must have looked older than 15. This big, black Range Rover drives really slow past me. I get a weird vibe from it, but think that I must be making it up. The car circles around the parking lot, though, and comes back around, slowing down near me. The window rolls down, and I see two men in their 40s in the car. One says, "I'd like to butter your muffins." at me. Gross. What jerks, I thought. They drove away, and I breathed a sigh of relief, when they circle back around. This time, I walk away from the car, but it follows me. I start walking faster and the car speeds up. I get really freaked out and run into the grocery store next door. I know they'll be gone if I wait a couple minutes, it's broad daylight.

I waited about five minutes, and walk back outside to see the car parked outside the store with the men sitting in it, looking at me. I feel the blood drain from my face. I rush back into the store, and ask an employee if I can use their phone, I'm shaken up. She says sure, and I go to use the phone. The phone doesn't work, I try dialing it a bunch of times to call my mom or my sister. Another 20 minutes pass, and I know my sister is probably out there waiting for me. I walk out of the store, and there they are. Still parked. Still waiting. This time tears start streaming down my face, and I run back inside.

That same employee tells me to try the phone again, very unhelpful. I ask another employee how to use the phone, and he tells me to put in a code before putting in the number. This time it works, but my sister doesn't pick up. There's a busy tone. I'm really freaking out at this point. At least a good 30 minutes passes, trying to call my sister and mom. I go outside to look again and they are still there. I see, though, my sister's car is just beyond theirs and decide to book it.

I make it to the car, with hot tears rushing down my face. My sister starts to ask angrily where I was and how she was waiting for an hour, but sees the tears on my face and asks what happened. I tell her and she circles around behind them to take a picture of their license plate, but they zoom off once they notice.

We filed a police report, but nothing came out of it. The store camera didn't catch their license plate, and there was very little information for the police to go on.

Please, try not to forget your phone, even if it's for a couple minutes, and always call the police right away if you can. To those guys who waited outside for an hour with unknown intentions, let's not meet.

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