I Just Have A Couple More Questions For You

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This happened a couple weeks ago and although to many it might not seem terrifying, it sure had shot my nerves.

It was a sunny day out around 4 PM in the afternoon, and I decided to take my pooches for a walk. I have 3 little pups but kept one at home since she is a space cadet and seems to stare into the sky and never move.

We have this path around the lake we always take, it's a good 40-45 minute walk. Our walks have always been super peaceful and in the 5 years I have lived in this area and walked around that lake, nothing has ever happened.

My two dogs and I, Link and Samus, are going about our day when we come to the entrance of the lake. Which is just a long straight path that opens up to the lake - more of a big swamp I guess you can call it. When we get to the entrance we can either take a left or a right to walk around the lake.

I decide to take my pooches to the left as I could see more people off to the right, and my pups have a tendency to go ape shit when they see other dogs. They are two yappy Chihuahuas mixed with dachshund. (Chiweenie's they are called).

As we turn left we walk about 20 seconds and out of nowhere, this guy comes up behind us on his red and black bike. I never even seen him coming from the right side. Its like he appeared out of nowhere. He seemed like he couldn't have been a day over 20 years old, but as he rode passed us he turned his head around and stared directly at my dogs. It was odd because he kept staring at them as he was riding straight. At first I thought, ok maybe he thinks my dogs are cute??

So this guy goes off straight which is heading entirely OUT of the lake area and I go off in a different direction, I eventually start to turn right heading around the lake. So I continue on, my pups stop and are smelling the bushes around the lake and I shit you not, about a minutes in, I turn around and this guy on the bike is RIGHT behind me. He had made a complete U-turn and rode his bike to exactly where I was standing and he pulled up beside me and stopped his bike.

I of course immediately got tense and nervous, and both my dogs are looking at him too. He looks around and then says "can I ask you a couple questions?" I say umm sure.. I was panicking at this point. Your body seems to just know when stranger danger kicks in.

He asks me what breed my dogs are, and of course I tell him. He then asks where I got them from, and I tell him where as well. He then asks where I live, and I blurt out "WHY?". At this point, and I could be wrong, but I thought he wanted to grab one of my dogs because I noticed him eyeing them up before he turned around to follow me and he kept asking about them.

He said he wanted to know if I lived in the area or not. I quickly said "my boyfriend is actually meeting me here, sooo...". Lame, I know, but I didn't know what to say and I was shaking, scared and not sure what this guy wanted. He repeated back to me "oh you have a boyfriend?" and I said "yes".

The weird part was he then asked me if I could give him some water. You could clearly tell I didn't have any water. I had two dogs and a poop bag in my back pocket and nothing else. Stupid me, I also left my cell phone at home thinking I wouldn't need it.

I told him "I am sorry I do not have any water". He then says "I live really far from here, I really need some water". Again I said I dont have any water. Now this guy did not look like he was on any drugs. His eyes weren't bloodshot and he wasn't drooling of any sorts. He talked calmly and normal. So I didn't know at that point what was going on. A million thoughts were going through my mind.

His front tire of his bike turned towards me as he adjusted his left foot on the sidewalk and my dog Link lunged forward and barked very loudly at this guy. I think Link knew something was up too. The guy was a little shocked and leaned back a bit mentioning that he must have gotten in Link's personal space or something to that effect.

I then started trying to get my dogs to start moving ahead and I muttered "well...cya". This guy just stares at me and very slowly starts to ride his bike and take off ahead of me. Pulling out his cell phone and pretending to speak on it. Maybe he was speaking on it, but I doubt it.

I stand completely still and wait and watch for him to keep riding. He eventually turns his head around to look at me and see's that I am not moving, that I am watching him. This is where I shit my pants. Up a head is a little bench that hides by these bushes so you can sit down and relax while walking the path. He rides his bike right to the side of the bench and parks his bike by the bushes. I cant see him but I can see his bike tires. And I know.. I just knew he was waiting for me.

I stand there for about 20 seconds, which feels like an eternity and finally have enough courage to gather my dogs, turn around and start walking back towards the beginning of the path and back home, not to mention the fact that I just got there!!! So I was very annoyed!

I start walking faster with my pups to the entrance of the lake. I turn my head a couple times to check if he is behind me and he wasnt... but yup I check one more time and he once again.. he had turned around on his bike and was back right behind me.

He slowly rides by, and by this time I am livid and he asks me "excuse me I just have a couple more questions for you". This is where I unleash my fury. Mainly because I can see two other people with their dogs coming towards me, which gives me confidence, but also because I am trying to protect my pups and I.

I shout as loud as I can "Do not talk to me!!! Get the fuck away from me!!" He asks me again "I just want to.." and again I interrupt him and tell him to get the fuck away as loud as I can.

He eventually says "ok" and turns down a different path to leave and pulls his cell phone out again like he is going to call someone. (Did I mention that not anyone tried to stop and help me as I was shouting?? A couple people just casually walked by me not saying a word).

All I am thinking is about going a totally different way home and calling the police as quickly as possible. I finally jog home with the dogs and call the police and they come to my house. They never did find the guy, they said they scouted out the lake and he wasn't there. But they think he was just high on drugs.

Part of me thinks that's not the case as he wanted me to tell him where I lived so I don't think he was on drugs. I could be wrong.

So creepy guy on bike who kept turning around and following my dogs and I, lets never meet again or you will get a face full of mace next time.

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