The Holiday Creeper

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These incidents happened about 4-5 years ago. I live with my aunt pretty much in the middle of nowhere. We have a long driveway surrounded by trees on both sides. Our house is in a circular clearing also surrounded by trees. So it's pretty secluded which makes what happened super creepy.

My Aunt works 3rd shift so she usually leaves for work around 6:00pm. I was working mid shift so I would usually be home by 8:30-9:00. My brother would pick me up from work and drop me off. Sometimes he would come by the house before picking me up to help us out with some things and kill time.

This took place in December. We live in the south. Sometimes it does snow, but for the most part it's just bleak and cold. Lots of dead leaves and grass. This is relevant.

Anyway, my brother is the Kevin McCallister of Christmas, and we always have Christmas at our house. So this particular day he decided that he was going to come by the house and put some lights up outside before coming to pick me up.

He said that he was outside probably about an hour putting Christmas lights out. When it started to get dark he went inside. He looked out of the window in the living room, probably to admire his work on the porch, and there was a man staring at him through the window. He said that he ran into our middle room, locked the door and called the police. It took the police about 30 minutes to get there. He hadn't locked the front door to the house so he was scared shitless that this guy had gotten in the house. When the police got there they searched but the guy was gone by then.

It's super creepy because that guy had to have already been there when my brother got there. Hiding in the trees. Watching him. We hadn't gotten any snow yet that year. Just dead leaves and grass. So if he were walking through the woods and just happened upon our house, my brother would have heard the crunching of the leaves and grass.

My poor brother was understandably shaken, but he decided that he was going to start staying the night at my house because he didn't want me to be home alone. I felt relieved that I would have somebody else there with me. I just kept wondering how long has this guy been doing this? You can't see my house from the road. Nobody knows we are back here. It was frightening to think what this guy would've done if I were the one there by myself that night. I'm a short female. Not exactly intimidating.

About a week later my brother and I decided to just hang out and watch some movies. All of the lights are out. The only light came from the tv. All of a sudden we see the yellowish glow of a flashlight shine into the front door window. For some stupid reason my reaction is to stand up. I'm just staring at my brother like wtf!?! He's staring at me with the same expression on his face. Then we see it again. Somebody was shining a flashlight in our front door window. We couldn't see what this person looked like because the front door just happens to be stained glass. You can see out if you are right up on it looking out, but neither one of us were about to get that close. I'm sure that whoever was out there was shining the flashlight to get a look at the lock.

So we called the police. They got there a lot quicker this time. The police officer checked all around the house and then came back in to speak with us. He asked us to go to the front porch with him. We normally use the side porch to go in and out. So the wet foot prints that we saw on the front porch right in front of the door just confirmed what we already knew. That somebody had been there. Most likely the creeper from before. Also, whoever it was tried to get into what looks like a breaker box on the side of the house. I think it goes to the AC unit. A bunch of copper coils were pulled out. The police officer said that it was probably some meth head trying to steal the copper to pay for their drugs.

After that we got an alarm system, and my brother moved in with us. We also got some guns and learned to shoot.

We never did find out who it was. But be warned creeper! If we do meet again, just know that I'm not a bad shot!

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