Night Tim Nightmare

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So this just happened right now and I'm still shaken from it. So a little background of me I'm a short seventeen year old girl who lives in Texas and I have had many crazy shit happen to me in the past ,but never as scary as this encounter. This is also my first post here so bare with me.

I had told my brother to take me to the grocery store because I was craving some funyons and so he took me ,afterwards we stopped at a pizza place and I waited in the car since there was a huge line and I didn't want to wait.

I started to smell the smell of something burning in the car my sister in law was in the backseat with my nephew and told me the car was releasing smoke from the air conditioner so we got out walked around the store for a bit to see if the car would cool down and as we were heading out my brother told me that he was going to leave me outside the gate of my apartments ,since he didnt want to risk the car from burning up again and releasing smoke.

We got to my apartments and he left me outside the front gate and to my luck I did not have my key with me and you need it to get in otherwise you're fucked.

So thats exactly what happened to me. I waited for someone to come and open the gate and as they opened it I got a really bad feeling in my stomach I didn't quite know what it was, but I just sensed something wrong. I walked slowly so that the car would eventually get the fuck away from the middle of the gate entrance so that I can pass and I see the car not moving it was a black car I really cant remember what type of car it was ,but it scared the hell out of me.

As I stood there waiting for it to move I hear a guy from the passengers seat say to me " Hey baby come here" I instantly knew I was fucked , he was around his mid 30s or so and was white a straight up pedophile from a movie. I was alone, helpless, it was night and it was really dark out already ,so chances were that I was going to get raped or kidnapped or murdered by these two.

All these scenarios in my head would just pop up making my anxiety worse then it already was, after he had just said that my adredaline was already pumping so fucking much that I was waiting for him to get out so that I can run my ass as fast as I could to my place.

Eventually a car came so he had to move which he ended up doing and I got in. Now here is where the scary part happens. I go in and theres this parking place where besides it there were big bushes and trees, and I see the car pass by really slowly I was so terrified I was ready to call my dad to come pick me up, but my anxiety got the best of me and instead I hid in the bushes til they left.

I saw them looking for me for what seemed like hours and THANK GOD that another car came where they were and again they had to move. So they ended up having to leave and my God I was so happy that I made it out alive because overall I did not know what their intentions were.

The guy seemed kind of tipsy ,but that still doesn't mean he should hit on a seventeen year old that looks even younger than what appeared.

I ended up running home as fast as I could looking back and forth multiple times. I ended up being paranoid of my surroundings and once I touched the door knob of my home I felt relived.

I ended up telling my brother who I thought would be so worried for his little sister and would say something to help ease my paranoia ,but instead he replied to me with " well you have to learn to defend yourself in this world not everyone is going to always look out for you" yeah like I had the strength to take on not one but TWO freaking guys half my size and not only that, but I was helpless and alone.!

I am a very good runner ,but I felt like I stood no chance with them being in a car and who knows if they had weapons. I also told my dad so that he would alert the security gaurd where we live since our apartments are private, and his response just freaking blew my mind from these two men who I thought would worry for me which turned to them not giving an actual fuck.

I was beyond pissed. I could've been abducted and they would had not cared. The only one who understood me was my mother. And honestly I will NEVER EVER go walking by myself at night ever again. My neighboorhood is nice its not the typical neighborhood where one gets shot and killed, but this incident proved to me that nobody is really safe no matter how safe their neighboorhood may seem. I just thank God I made it out safe and didn't end up in the news or an amber alert. But what still gets to me is that one day I may run into him again, but I really pray that we never do.

Btw many of you may wonder why I didn't call the police, well one I didn't have a really good description of the car other than it was black and I didn't even get the license plate number. So it was pretty useless and I didn't go look for the security gaurd because I did not want to go alone after what had just happened.

So white pedo lets NEVER fucking meet again!

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