The Sounds of Banging

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It was Friday night and I had just got off from work. I was around 16 years old when this had happened and honestly I was not a stranger to the dangers of other peoples actions.

At that age and especially around that time in my life no matter what I encountered I was too sure of myself. I thought nothing or no one could touch me. Even after last year when I got chased. (That is a whole other story)

Short back story, I had this friend I will call Joe. Joe and me dated for a while but we knew that it wasn't meant to be at that time. But we really remained the closes of friends and still till this day are. Joe lived a few blocks up from me and he even worked at the restaurant beside the restaurant I worked at. So we were always together.

Like many nights after work Joe needed a ride home. Well instead of dropping him off up the street I just dropped him off at my house and he decided to walk home from there. That night my parents went out to a family gathering/party.

My parents forgotten to drop the house key off to me earlier that day so they left it in the mailbox which this wasn't unusual since my parents always forgot to either tell me they were going out or always forgetting to get me a spare key so our mailbox was honestly never used for mail but for putting the house key in.

After talking a few minutes to Joe I decided to tell him good night and head inside to take advantage of the fact my parents were gone. I know some teens would have invited Joe inside if they were in my situation but I was actually a really good kid and my grandmother lived two houses down from me. So the risk of inviting Joe in was not worth my parents wrath when they found out.

I go up the porch and reach inside the mailbox moving my hand around trying to find the key. I always made sure to cut the porch light off when I did this cause I didn't really want anyone seeing our "hiding spot."

Usually I would leave the Key in the mailbox but that night I don't know why but I took it inside. I sat down and grabbed me some food. Watched a little tv and decided to call a friend. His name was smurf and smurf was a big guy. He also lived about ten minutes away from me.

As Smurf and me chatted about our night at work, I hear a weird sound. It was the sound of movement in the mailbox. I hit mute on the t.v and told smurf I was hearing something messing in the mailbox. He of course told me to go check but the thing was the door had no windows on it or even beside it. At that time my dad was remodeling and had not found the time to put in the windows so it was nothing but a wall and door.

I go to my room which was beside the hallway where our front door was to look out my bedroom window. I didn't want cut the porch light on because A. I was scared and B. In a way I felt it was a bad idea to cut it on.

I peek outside my window and unfortunately it was way too dark outside to see anything. So I told smurf I call him back. I called my grandmother and asked her to look outside to see if she had saw anyone on the front porch.

She yells for my cousin to look outside and my cousin said she didn't see anyone. Honestly I don't think she looked good enough. Well I call Smurf back and tell him, "If I didn't call back in fifteen minutes after I showered I was dead." Of course we both laughed the situation off thinking it had to be my imagination.

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