one • look alive, sunshine

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The Kobra Kid stood, observing his surroundings for a moment before setting off down the hill. For being only seventeen (though not the youngest of the Killjoys), he was one of the most devoted to their cause. Zone Six was terribly hot on that day, though it never stopped the Killjoys from wearing their jackets. Kobra Kid was blonde, the hair slicked back behind deep and dark sunglasses covering his eyes. Jet Star was around here somewhere...

The oldest of the four, Jet was supposedly twenty. Older than Poison by a year, yet also older than Ghoul by four years. Party Poison was Kobra's brother, old enough to remember their parents being gunned down by Dracs from Better Living Industries. He had gotten the two out of there, where Jet found them and brought them to his small hideout where he was living with his older sister Reckless Vengeance.

They had raised Kobra as a younger brother, though it wasn't until they found the future Fun Ghoul crawling through the desert alone at age six when the Killjoys took him in. Reckless Vengeance was taken away from them a year after Ghoul began wandering with them. She could only yell after them as Dracs carried her away to "keep running," and throw her jacket at them. Jet Star kept it, seeing as it had been his sister's anyways (though originally their father's). The Killjoys had then walked alone through the desert of California, Jet retreating into himself at the horror of what had happened.

"Hey, Kobra!" Speak of the devil, it was Jet. The blonde's head turned to the frizzy-haired Killjoy, who stood at the bottom of the hill with his hand on his blue gun. Jet Star was freakin' tall (taller than Kobra, and that was saying something), though more like a large teddy bear than anything else. Fun Ghoul was constantly calling him 'Princess Fro Fro' or something of the nature.


"D'ya see anything?!" Jet began to walk towards the tall, skinny blonde. Kobra shook his head, walking to meet the oldest halfway.

"Looks like the road is clear for a bit. Where's Ghoul?"

"With Poison looking for batteries and food."

Kobra nodded, considering how the city was nowhere in sight. They were so far away from everything, he doubted Ghoul and his brother would be able to find anything. Once upon a time, they had actual names. Those haven't been forgotten, but they are hardly used. Sometimes, they would when they knew it was just the four of them on an uneventful day. Today was shaping up to be one of those nice days.

"You don't think they're gonna find anything, do you?"


Jet sat down on a large rock, looking out to the desert. His eyes seemed to speak so much, though he said nothing for the longest time. The 'Kid kept watch, starting to get very antsy. He wanted action, or he wanted to be able to see some form of human life besides the afro next to him. He heard it before he saw it; the loud purr of a car driving down the road from the North.

"Car," he said, ducking down beneath some underbrush with Jet Star.

The two watched it coming, then stood upon recognizing the vehicle. It was the one they had repaired for Party Poison's fifteenth birthday. Dusting himself off, Kobra approached the car with Jet Star tailing him closely. Ghoul moved from shotgun to a seat in the back, while Jet climbed in and sat next to him. Kobra took his usual position in shotgun, shutting the door as Poison sped off once more.

Party Poison and Fun Ghoul were an odd pair. While Party Poison was older than Kobra, he managed to be a few inches shorter. His skin was always pale even though he was out in the sun, while his red kool-aid hair never faded. It wasn't even his natural color. Fun Ghoul on the other hand was a pale tan and easily sunburned, hair greasy and black. Out of the four of them, it was a mutual agreement that Kobra's hair was the cleanest, while Poison's was the best looking.

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