twenty • let me be the one to save you

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Hanging limply, Jet Star had successfully avoided one thing by nearly getting killed by another. He'd never really known how much damage Frank really could do until now, but maybe it would just get better with time, as all things usually do. If they could get out of here, that was. Of course they could, because Better Living was run by morons who had no idea of what they were really doing. The head of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit was a terrifying whack job who honestly probably wasn't really doing a great job. People could do better.

But, thinking of those things could come back around later.

Slipping his shoe off, Jet Star had resorted to using whatever flexibility he had to get one of the sharp metal objects from the table with his feet and bending enough until it was in his hand (and don't let anybody tell you it didn't hurt, because it fucking did, but he was motivated enough to work through it). He reached to the opposite cuff and felt around with the blade until he had pressed down and gotten one hand loose. With the second hand released only a minute later, Jet was off the wall.

Unable to do anything, but off the wall.

He could try and find a window, sure, but with his luck he'd be too high up to escape. Then again, maybe death was a better idea than the hell he'd face inside.


Instead, he took the blade again and moved to the door, jamming it into the lock in an attempt to get it open. Only time would tell as he kept trying with the different things in the room he could find.

- X -

Mutineer sat at her desk, looking up at the fidgeting former Killjoy in front of her. "Frank?" she questioned as she looked at him with a frown. This resulted in putting down paperwork as she moved to sit on top of the desk and cross her arms to look at him. Her bionic leg was crossed over the real one, but none of that truly mattered.


"What's on your mind? Be honest with me."

"I'm wondering why I feel so fuckin' weird..." Frank felt around on his chest for a moment before finding the spot where bone had become metal on his ribcage. "And what this is..."

"You're predisposed to a couple of diseases. We took care of that. Don't want anyone dying, huh?"

Frank just nodded slowly, leaning back in his chair and loosening the black tie that sat simply upon his once-stainless white shirt. He was bored and covered in blood that he was debating inwardly about getting off or not. A lot of things, actually, were going through his head, and none of them were particularly great things. However, he would have to deal with that, wouldn't he? Frank kept shifting his gaze from the woman who had gone back to writing on papers to staring at the picture on her desk. It was a small little family picture, but something about it actually made the Ghoul that was locked in the back of Frank's mind pity the woman who'd caused him so much pain.

"Frank, okay, I want to ask you know anything about 'Father Desert' and 'Mother Destroya'?" Mutineer looked up from her papers, though her pen was still ready as if she was prepared to write again.

"Fuckin' legends!" Frank had sat up and leaned forward with a grin on his face, something that wasn't expected but Mutineer was getting answers. "Some people say they've been wandering, fifty years, but not really. Like, they're basically the gods of Killjoys. Pretty cool, but nobody's seen them in years."

Mutineer scribbled this down, but hardly said anything else about it. She'd look into that eventually, though when would honestly be a question she'd ask later as well. Perhaps she'd hand it to Stitches, her second in command. After him came that annoying little shit Korse, who Mutineer could honestly say she'd rather die than let him be in charge of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit. He didn't believe in having any fun with any of their targets, instead just killing them.

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