twenty four • jet-star and the kobra kid/traffic report

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"Baby, it'll be okay."

"How do you know that? What if..what if I die?"

"I won't let you die."

As much as Kobra wanted to just open the door and tell his brother he was leaving, he didn't have the heart to interrupt the conversation: and besides, they'd fallen quiet and he didn't know what they were doing.

"I can't do this."

" can, don't sell yourself short."

"I am short."

"And I'm mother fucking Party Poison. We'll fix this. Even if it means going into Battery City."

Kobra cleared his throat and knocked on the door now, not really wanting to listen to more fluffy crap.

"Hey, do you-"

"No, you're still sick. Stay there, okay?"

"It's just going to the door~"

"Yeah, mhmm. Sure. Go back to sleep. I'll take care of it."

With that sort of response, Kobra knew something wasn't right. But he didn't get a chance to ponder it further, because Party had opened the door.

"Mikey! Come in. Um, is something wrong?"

"No, it's fine. But I'm going with Jet. He's..waiting for me. Took the only radio we had left."


"He got a car. I don't know when we'll be back."


"Wait, you're not going to-"

"I'd trust Ray with my life."

This was sort of surprising to Kobra, but he just smiled and nodded. "Wait, how'd you get a mattress?"

Party turned around, looking at the bed that seemed to be working enough with the pillows hiding Frank from view until he got up onto his elbows. Kobra, who really hadn't seen him since the race either, was surprised to find he actually did look sick- sick and extraordinarily tired. Which was odd in its own right seeing as Frank always had so much energy, but now he looked worn down, and apparently cold by the blankets he had over him.

"Is he okay?" the blonde asked, observing the small Killjoy before looking back at Party.

"He will be. 'ts almost over and gone, so that's good. Might have to make a Battery City run to get more meds and shit, but it'll be okay."

"Good. I'll see you later."

"Oh, yeah.. Bye, 'Kid."

Kobra didn't say anything, just slipped away to go join Jet in the car. It was a nice car, needed paint, but that was okay. Slipping in to the passenger seat and tossing his bag in the back, the blonde relaxed in the presence of the older Killjoy.

"Did you have any plans as to where you wanted to go?" Kobra asked, looking over at him as they started moving. It was like freedom to get away, and freedom felt great.

Jet Star shook his head. "No, but maybe Battery City once I know this car for sure holds together."

"Why not now?"

"If you want..."

Kobra smiled and nodded as Jet took them towards the city. He didn't want to, if he was honest, but Kobra could handle anything anyone else could and then some. Why he was worried, he didn't know, but maybe it wasn't for the blonde next to him. Maybe it was for their future and wellbeing. Maybe, but who knew silly things like that?

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