Breaking Point

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*** Aya's P.O.V. ***

I stirred from my slumber as I heard yelling. It reminded me so much of the yelling from that dream, I always had that I shot up from Sasu-nii's lap. I missed the displeased look he had as he glared at the two up front, as they would always soften when landing on me. Naruto had gotten in trouble it seems as he was tied up, with Iruka glaring down at him.
"I'm at the end of my rope Naruto. You failed the graduation test, last time and the time before that.You've got another chance tomorrow and your messing it up." Despite the truth in his words I doubted that Naruto would listen. I was right as well because soon after that he turned away and glared at the wall. I could see the irritation on Iruka's face at this point.
"Fine! Because you missed it Naruto, everyone will review the transformation jutsu!" I covered my ears not wanting to listen to his yelling, even as the whole class groaned (all but Sasu-nii and I).
"Alright! Sakura here, lets do it. Transform!" I watched bored as she turned into a copy of Iruka, already knowing that I wasn't going to do it. I never showed off my skills to anyone, unless it was Sasu-nii. I got in trouble for it the first few times before they gave up.
"Transformed into me. Good." Why did Iruka look so impressed I shall never understand, I mean the transformation jutsu was easy. I swear that I'm never going to understand how old people think. I don't think I would want to anyways.
"YES! I did it! ( this --bah bah bah-- now means it is someone thinking.) --I kicked butt!-- "Sasuke did you see that?" Sakura had such a loud voice... like a banshee. A small smile came to my lips at that thought. She was loud, violent, and ugly. All traits of a banshee if you asked me.
"Sasuke Uchiha." Sasu-nii walked up, still looking bored as hell. He always looked like that nowadays. Though I suppose I can't talk as I do the same. --The only difference is that I don't talk...-- I was broken out of my thoughts by a poof of smoke telling me Sasu-nii finished transforming. He to transformed into Iruka.
"Eh, good job." What did he, not expect him to be able to do it?! Sasu-nii was the best!
"Now, Aya Uchiha..." Don't tell me that Iruka really expected me to do anything, after all this time. He should know by now that I wasn't going to do anything. Iruka sighed before starting to call for Naruto, "Nar..." only to be cut off.
"NO!!" I was pleasantly surprised that someone said something for once, even with it going on for years. I was even more surprised to find out that it was Sakura who yelled out. Thanks to me being Sasu-nii's younger twin sister Sakura, never said anything or did anything against me. Not even when it was unfair towards others. Even Sasu-nii looked slightly surprised, before the expression was wiped off his face.
"Sakura its fine, it just means she's going to fail. Its not like it would be the first time she hasn't participated. Narut..."
"NO! She has never done anything, not even talk to someone who isn't Sasuke-kun. How is she still here, if she's never done anything? She's got to be even weaker than Naruto is!"
This was the braking point for both Sasu-nii and I.

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