Itachi's Princess

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Itachi was always seen near his youngest sibling, Y/N. She was born an hour after Sasuke, however she had one blind eye. Some people thought that was why he was so overprotective of her, but they were wrong. No, it wasn't because she was half blind (though it was part of the cause) it was because, he loved her.

***Flashback Itachi's P.O.V.***
A babies wail broke through the night, waking an 8 year old Itachi up (Fuguku was on a mission with Mikito leaving him with Sasuke and you). Jumping up and running to your room, I was welcomed by the sight of Y/N in a Sound ninja's hands. Outraged I had chased after the two. It didn't take long for me to catch up and to hold the man by the throat.
"Give my sister back." Despite the rage I had felt my voice was monotone and face expressionless, my eyes told a different story. The man smirked bothering me more, because I had known the man was planning something. The man released Y/N letting her fall to the forest ground (pretend I told you that). Quickly putting my hand through the males chest, I dashed down to catch her. Catching her with bloodied hands she felt the care the person held her with made her stop crying, now dying down into whimpers. I looked down at my dear sister, seeing her tears start to dry. ~She is not yet tainted by war and bloodshed. She is not yet one who can't feel, she was still innocent. ~ Knowing this I smiled, trailing my bloodied hand down her face leaving a trail of blood. (I know I had said that she wasn't tainted by blood, meaning she had not yet seen blood.) My eyes gained a new light a smile forming on my face. Walking back towards the house, I never noticed a dark twisted feeling being born inside of me. It would be my dark obsession.
***Flashback ends***
Itachi watched as his Princess tried to find them as they played. She was blindfolded right now, since I was also trying to train her charka senses. She was now 4 years old, and was still an innocent girl. One that wouldn't ever know what was to happen later today. Speaking of which it was getting late, and she would need her sleep.
"Y/N come here, we are leaving and going back home." My monotone voice broke through the silence, of the woods. Y/N looked at him smiling.
"Ok, nii-chan! Where are we going?" Your sweet angelic voice echoed in his ears as she walked towards him. She only knew where his voice came from since she was blindfolded and ran into him. To him it was wonderful feeling her little body against his, her small hands gripping onto his pants.
"Sowwy nii-chan, I couwldn't see you." (Remember that she is 4 and wearing a blindfold.) Y/N said, a small blush of embarrassment on her face. Itachi smiled knowing he was the cause of her blush. It was a sick twisted smile...
"No worries Y/N-chan, you can't see where your walking with the blindfold on." Said Itachi as he picked her up so his face was in her neck. Staring at her neck he couldn't hold back anymore and planted a kiss on her smooth skin. (I think I'm making him into a pedo) This had happened before so it didn't bother Y/N, she thought all big brothers did this.

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