This is the End of an Era

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Two years since the last update. I should say I am sorry but being honest? I'm not. It wasn't too long into writing the story, I lost interest in it. I would like to one day re-write it all but Today Is Not That Day. I have a lot of stories in the works, one being a Ryan/OC in a Medieval AU (Mad King Ryan!!!) and another being a possible Markiplier/JackSepticEye with an OC which is Jacks Sister :) Yay.

A main reason this stopped is due to the fact that I now have a Colab account called PandaLoric.

Yes, You heard me you little bunch of Yognau(gh)ts. I am the Rosie in Pandaloric. :)

So my main focus has been that but recently, I've been writing my own little stories and they've been growing. I want to post them here instead of on that account. :) Stealing the praise, Muhahahaa!!!!

But yeah. I posted earlier the last ever section that was written and now its time to say goodbye (RWBY Pun!!)

Well i will Love you all and Leave you xxx

Alpha (Rosie) xx

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