Chapter Eight - The Choice

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I woke up. Nothing actually woke me up so my internal clock must be working again. I got changed. I felt like doing something new with my hair so I put it up in platted pig tails. I’ve got a good feeling about today. I walked out of my room and over to the kitchen and I saw Gavin sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea. I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. We sat like that for about 2 minutes before I stood up, flicked the kettle on and said

“I hate you!”

He looked at me, acting all innocent. “Why? What have I done?”

I took a mug out of the cupboard and started to make my drink.

“You have tea.” He looked at me confused; I carried on making my drink, “You made me want Tea!”

He laughed and I sat down with my drink and at half 8, we left home and drove for the office.

When I pulled into the parking lot at the office, I saw Michael start to get out of his car. Gavin smiled but that smile was wiped off of his face as we saw that Lindsey got out of the passenger side door. I looked at them and when they started to walk into the office, Michael grabbed Lindsey hand. I looked at Gavin. He’s as confused and shocked as me. I knew that Gavin wanted to ask Michael but before he could exit the car I grabbed his arm and said,

“Don’t ask him!”

He promised he wouldn’t so we just walked into the office. Gavin went into the AH office and I went to mine and Lindsey’s. I set up my computer and started to read my emails. When things got a bit awkward between us I turned on my chair and said,

“So… You and Michael?”

This time it was her to look at me. She impersonated me and went, “Nothing’s going on!"

I laughed and then put a serious tone in my voice.

“No seriously. What’s happening between you two? “

“I told him how I felt and then we decided to give it ago.”

I scoffed at her.

“Are you really as stupid as a 4th grader?” I wasn’t actually sure how old a 4th grader was but I guessed it was pretty young. “Michael and Gavin just broke up and you think that now that he’s single, you’ll get lucky and get back with Michael?”

She glared at me and said

“You can talk! You’re the one who broke them up!”

“HOW DID I? It’s not my fault that Gav decided to tell Michael that he had feelings for me!”

She stood up and walked over to me. “No I mean by being here and getting him to move in with you!”

I roll my eyes and now I’m standing. “Get your shit together Lindsey! I did that so he didn’t have to go and live with Geoff!”

I turned around and saw that people where standing in the door way. I push past them and start to walk into the corridor. Lindsey walked out behind me and shouted,

“You can barely talk! You had a massive thing for Gavin!”

I rolled my eyes and turned around to face her.

“Oh grow up Lindsey! So what if I liked him, I used to like Michael for fucks sake!”

I can see the red in her eyes. “Casey, ever since you got here, trouble started between the boys. Why don’t you just leave them alone?!”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to do! Do you think that I choose to end up in Hospital?!”

Now most of the office is around us. Michael and Gavin aren’t around. Thank fuck for that! Lindsey is closer to me. I just really want to punch her but there is no point! Shes barley a foot away from me now and I just say

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