Chapter One - First Day

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Today’s the big day! Burnie told me just to wear what ever made me feel comfy. So I just put my jeggins and a vest top on with my denim waist coat over the top. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and put my personalised Achievement Hunter pumps on. I walked out of my apartment towards my car, started it up and I put on my home made “Awesome Car Songs” CD. I pulled up at the office with a MacDonald’s in one hand and my phone and keys in the other. I saw someone standing in front of the door, wearing knee high shorts and a t-shirt which said “MARK NUTTTTT!!!!” when he saw me pull up he walked over to me. I handed him the MacDonald’s bag,

“There’s 2 breakfast wraps in there one for you and one for me. Just lemmie grab my stuff” He nodded and said,

“Thanks, I’m Gavin by the way.” And he walked in. I found myself staring at the direction he walked in for a few moments and then I leant into my car, got my bag and followed him inside. Gavin had a southern British accent, so from around Oxfordshire, and I think I find him cute. 

I walked in and he was stood there talking to Michael, I only heard a bit of their conversation.

“Oh Come ON Mi-Cool! PLEEEAAAASSSEEE?!?!?! Please let me do it tonight!! You did it last night!!”

“No Gav, Not tonight. We’re going out remember, you know to you know where”

That’s when Michael and Gavin saw me. I spoke up,

“Hey, I’m Casey, we met the other day?!”

Michael looked at Gavin,                                                                                               

“Oh Yea, Hey Casey, So is this idiot taking on a tour of this place?”

I nodded and Gavin started to show me around. I opened my wrap and Gavin did the same. I really wanted to ask if ‘Mavin’ is true. I knew even if it was he wouldn’t tell me. He showed me around and then my office. We had been chatting about the other people at the office and what things I would be doing in Achievement Hunter and he was asking me questions about myself. I share my office with Lindsey, who is Michael ex, I do believe. My desk was a small corner desk with space for a laptop and a plastic tray for paperwork. Lindsey was out at the moment so I had the office to myself. I was looking at my draws when I saw a wrapped present and a little box there. I opened the wrapped present to see a nerf gun and a little envelope.

‘Hey Casey,

Here’s a little present from me and Chris, Enjoy!


I opened it up and took out the gun; I loaded it and shot at the floor. I picked up the dart and I opened the little box. It was a necklace, with the Achievement Hunter logo on it. I took it out and put it on. At that moment, someone knocked on the door. It was Barbra. She just stopped to say hi and to see how I was.

“That’s a really nice necklace, who gave you it?”

I shrugged, “I’m not sure; I found 2 boxes in my draw. One was a Nerf gun from Miles and Chris and the other was this. It had no name or anything…”

She shrugged and said bye. Then I got a text. “Casey, can I talk? Meet me in the Kitchen, Vav :)”

I wasn’t sure what it was but I put my bag and the gun in the draw and started walking towards the kitchen. I opened the door and Gavin was sat at the table with a cup of tea and a biscuit. He looked really bad, like someone had died or something. I sat down opposite him and looked up. There was a red mark on his cheek in the shape of a hand, like someone had slapped him.

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