Chapter Seven - The Night Before

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Chapter Seven - The Night Before

I was woken up by a vibration next to my ear. I partly opened my eyes to see that Geoff was ringing me. I went to grab my phone but I found an arm wrapped around my waist, it was Michaels. I tried to remember the night before but I couldn’t. I picked up my phone anyway and answered it.

“Geoff!” I slurred, still half asleep and very hung over. “What the fuck?! It’s 3 in the morning!”

What Geoff said next made me sit up straight.

“What did you just say?”

I nudged Michael awake; he stirs and starts to wake up. I carried on talking to Geoff.

“You’re kidding right? Please tell me your kidding?”,

“I wish I was Casey. I’m as scared as you are!”

Michael asked me what was going on but I told him to shut up.

“Don’t play games with me right now Geoffrey. I’m very hung over and not in the mood. Tell me he’s standing right next to you!”

Michael was getting annoyed now,

“Casey, tell me what the fuck is going on!”

Geoff asked what I’m doing with Michael and I said long story. I hung up on Geoff and turned to face Michael,

“Michael… Gavin’s missing”

 “You’re lying!”

“I wish I was Michael. Geoff said that he was staying at his and that he’s not there now.”

Michael jumped out of bed and got changed. I found my clothes and got changed. My head was throbbing and when I tried to remember what happened, there were gaps in my memory. When we left the bedroom, I realised that I wasn’t at my apartment. I was at Michaels house. I found my bag and we left for Geoff’s house.

When we arrived Ray was there to. He saw that I was hung over and he gestured for me to sit with him. I sat down and put my head on his shoulder. He started to stroke my head and started to whisper,

“It’s going to be okay, don’t worry Casey!” I smiled and punched him in the leg. After that we sat in silence until Michael said,

“So where is he?”

I looked toward Geoff,

“You said he was at yours?”

He nodded, “Yea, I went in to see if he was okay but when I walked in he wasn’t there, all that was there was 2 notes. One addressed to Michael and one to you!”

He held them up and handed one to me and the other to Michael. I started to read it.


I’m sorry. It’s my fault that this has happened. If I didn’t ask you for your help, we wouldn’t be here right now. The day me and you hooked up in the office, I followed you to your office and I saw that you had been crying and had fallen asleep. I had come in to say that no matter what happens you will always be my girl, my little British girl! Thank you for being there for me!

Big Hugs

Gavy xx’


I handed the letter to Ray and started to cry. I felt guilty now. I kept racking my brain to try and remember and that’s when it all came flooding back to me. Now I know why and where he’s gone.

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