Chapter 6 ~ Let The Dance Begin

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"Finally home", Alicea thought as relief swept over her as they cruised into the driveway. "I still can't believe it took them so long to release me", Alicea stated as she read the clock on the car dashboard. "It's seven already!"

"Well, it would have been sooner if you would have just relaxed and allowed them to take care of you", Marcello smiled.

Alicea ignored him and climbed out of the car anxious to hug and comfort her children. She stepped through the front door, surprised to find her mother and children awaiting her in the foyer.

"Mami!", Alicea was greeted with the welcoming screech of her daughter. "I missed you! Where were you? How come you were gone?" And there it was, the twenty questions from her inquisitive four year old.

"I'm sorry", Alicea apologized as she knelt to hug Genesis.
"Mami was a little sick, so I had to go to the hospital", she attempted to explain.
"But I'm okay, I promise".
Genesis hugged her tightly and Alicea reciprocated nearly to tears.

"Okay, you need to get to bed", Marcello interrupted. " You need your rest".

"Cariño, allow me a moment with our children, I haven't seen them since Monday morning", she begged. "Besides I haven't gotten to talk with Mama", Alicea pouted.
"Anyway, I think it would be perfect to sit in the family room and give them the big news", she winked.

"Alright", he acquiesced. "But quickly and then its off to bed with you, agreed?", it wasn't a question but more of a comand.

"Mija, how are you?", her mother gave her a squeeze and kissed her forehead.
"Would you like some mint tea? or something to eat? I know how terrible hospital food can be".

Her mother always knew how to make her feel better.
"I'm fine Mama, feeling great. Thank you for coming to my rescue, again", Alicea sighed.
"And yes, I would love some tea while I relax", she eyed her husband in an attempt to appease him.

Her mother made mint tea as they all gathered in the family room. Alicea sat in the love seat with her feet tucked underneath her. Her mother continued to dote on her, bringing her a throw pillow and blanket. Marcello took a seat on the arm of the love seat to Alicea's right. As they both informed the family of the new addition.

"Yeah!!!", Genesis ran around the room screaming. "I'm going to have a baby!!"

"Are you serious?", Marco was less than thrilled.
"I'm almost thirteen and you are going to start all over again? You guys are nuts".

"Aye mija!, I am so happy for you", her mother was ecstatic.

Alicea got hugs from Genesis and her mother but Marco would take more convincing or needed more time to process it all.

"Alright! We've given them the news, time for bed", Marcello interrupted everyone's fun.

"Awwwww", Genesis complained.

"Esta bien, niña. Let's go have some of the cookies we made. They should be ready", Mama distracted Genesis. "Marco could you help me with Gen?"

"Sure Mama, come on Gen let's wash our hands", Marco escorted his sister into the kitchen ignoring the adults in the room.

"I'm worried about him", Alicea looked up at Marcello for comfort.

"Mija, he will be fine just give him some time", her mother beat Marcello to the punch as she followed the children into the kitchen.

Marcello kept to his word and ushered her up to bed.
"By the way", he started. "You are not to go to work tomorrow".
Before she could argue, Marcello raised his hand in protest.
"As per the doctor and Jennifer".
Alicea opened her mouth in protest and quickly snapped it shut.

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