Chapter 8 ~ Another Chance

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Leo entered the hall in search of Jennifer.  Locating her with ease, Leo worked his way through the party guests only to find that Jennifer had moved further into the rear of the hall with Alan right behind her.
Leo's heart ached at the sight as they slid into the hallway adjacent the hall. He followed closely behind them eager to have Jennifer to himself.

"What were you thinking?", he heard Jennifer growl. "How many different ways does Ali have to tell you?", she continued.  "She's not interested in EVER having a relationship with you".  "This is your last warning Alan", she continued to reprimand him.  "I will not allow you to continue to harass her any further".

". . . . . but, but . . . . .", Alan uttered.

"What made you think that she was interested in rekindling the past anyway?", Jennifer asked with curiosity both hands on her luscious hips.

"Well", Alan began. "I heard she was getting a divorce, so I thought . . ."

"Well you were misinformed", Leo stated as he stepped out of his hiding place and walked toward them. "My sister-in-law and brother are quite happy with each other". "You, however, they are not pleased with. Especially after you put on that show in front of Marcello", Leo smiled as Alan suddenly lost his color.
Alan quickly turned and retreated into the hall without another word.

"Leo, where's Alicea?", she gritted through her teeth.
"Is she alright?",
"How could you leave . . .", she began rattling off questions without reprieve until Leo raised his hand.

"She's in perfect hands", he smirked. "Marcello's".

Open mouthed, Jen stood silent with words stuck in her throat.
"Uhhh, okay?!"
"When did Marcello get here?"
"I thought he wasn't going to attend".

"How long have you known my brother?", Leo smirked.
"You know how possessive he is", he added.

"Well, at least she's not alone", Jen sighed glancing through the doorway at the party guests as the DJ played a bachata.
Leo followed her glance then held out his hand. "Would you care to dance?"
"You did command I save you at least one", he smirked.
Jen didn't have time to respond as Leo pulled her toward the dance floor.
"Do you remember the first time we met?", he whispered in her ear as they made their way across the dance floor.
Jen blushed recalling the last time they were together on and off the dance floor. Recalling that she hadn't danced like this in years. Hadn't danced with Leo in years for that matter.

"Remind me", she smirked. Inwardly she chastised herself for leading him on, knowing full well he was not serious at all and it would only cause her heartache later. Truly what could she do? Obviously she was a gluten for punishment, especially when it came from Leo. She loved him even though she knew he would never settle down, never truly commit.
"Really Jen?", she told herself. "Are you willing to suffer through this again?"

Leo pulled her into him. One hand on her lower back, holding her so tightly she could barley breath. Jen gasped, feeling his arousal through her gown. Her eyes shot up to meet his. She needed to put a stop to this right now. "Wait, did he purposefully wear a matching costume to hers? How could he possibly know?", she thought.

"Leo, this is a mistake, I can't do this again", she pleaded, attempting to let go.

"What are we doing?", his lips quirked into a grin.
"We're just dancing". He continued leading her and she allowed him to do so against her better judgment.
The dance ended but Leo refused to let her go.

"Where are you going?", his Cheshire cat smile was not lost on her. He was looking for something she'd vowed never to give him again.

"Leo, please let go", she nearly cried, the words whispered without conviction. Her whole body ached to be with him again but she couldn't allow herself to fall into his fly trap. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to fall.
Her expression did not go unnoticed.

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