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Mrs. Scaglione was seated in the same room Alicea had first made her acquaintance.   This time was different however as Janice actually stood and greeted them both. 
"Alicea, Marcello", she crooned.  "How  nice to see you both!"
She exclaimed as she engulfed Alicea in a hug.  Alicea was stunned at her behavior.  The last and only time she was here Alicea was treated so coldly it was if this women was someone else completely.  Since then, each time Marcello visited she remained at home or engaged in a spa day.
Alicea eyed Marcello who just shrugged in disbelief realizing that even Marcello was suspect of his own mother's behavior.
"Mother", Marcello began.  "Are you feeling ill?"
"Mind your manners young man", Janice answered with a flick of her wrist.  "I've just missed you", she admitted as she released Alicea in order to hug him.
Margaret just smirked knowingly and retreated into the kitchen. 
"Sit, sit", Janice ordered them waving her hands. "Margaret will bring tea shortly", she assured them.
"Mother, is everything okay?", Marcello asked again.  "You don't seem yourself."  Alicea just sat quietly awaiting Janice's response. 
Margaret walked back into the room setting the tea, cups, and cookies on the table then retreated into the kitchen again without looking at any of them.  Alice's and Marcello watched in silence as Janice poured tea for each of them. 
"Mother?!", Marcello asked more forcefully.
"Marcello, I'm fine", she reassured him.  "I've just come to realize how important family is."
Alicea didn't believe her for a second but she knew that Janice would never admit the truth, whatever it was.  She squeezed Marcello's forearm in an attempt to stop him from continuing to question Janice any further.
"Marcello, your tea is getting cold", Alicea motioned toward his tea with her chin.
"Ah, yes", he responded and sipped the tea quietly.
"Janice, it really is so nice to see you again", Alicea began. 
"How are my grandchildren?", Janice inquired.  "It's been far too long since I've seen them".
"Growing too quickly for my taste", Alicea admitted.  "Marco is a typical teenager and Genesis thinks she's a teenager", she shook her head in disbelief.
"I remember those days", Janice admitted smiling and taking a sip.
"Excuse me ladies", Marcello pleaded with them.  "I have to take this", he pointed to his cell phone, stood, gave Alicea a quick kiss on her forehead, then left the room.
Once Alicea was certain they were alone, she began probing.  "Okay Janice, what's going on?  Why are you being so nice?"
"Truthfully Alicea, I just came to realize that you have been really good for my son", Janice admitted.  "You support him in all he does, you're a great mother, and a determined worker", she continued.
"Really?", Alicea queried further.  "And what brought on this revelation?"
"Well, I had a visit from Leo last week", Janice began.  "He came to ask for my approval of his choice in a wife", her eyes meeting Alicea's as she brought the tea cup to her lips.
"And?", Alicea asked.
"And, I gave him my blessing because of you", she admitted. 
"Really?", Alicea said in disbelief.  "What do you mean because of me?"
"Aly", she began with a sigh releasing her tea cup.  "I realize I made a mistake with you and don't intend to make that mistake again with Leo's new interest."
"I see", Alicea stated.  "What does that mean  and what do I have to do with this decision?"
"Alicea, I made a mistake with the way I treated you", Janice admitted.  "I know I made a huge mistake trying to bribe you and I am truly sorry."  Janice took a deep breath before continuing.  "You are not that type of person and never were.  If this woman is good enough to be your friend, then she must be worthy of Leo", Janice placed her hand onto Alicea's.  "I am so very sorry."
Alicea looked at Janice noticing the tears building up in her eyes.  "I forgive you Janice", Alicea reassured her squeezing her hand.  "I forgave you a long time ago."
Janice stood and hugged Alicea forcing her to stand and hug her back.  The two woman stood allowing tears to fall as they forgave each other. 
"What's going on here?", Marcello asked.  "I step out for a few minutes and the two of you are crying over each other?"
"Oh Marcello", Alicea sighed wiping her face.  "Stop it!"
Marcello just shook his head at his wife and smiled.  His deepest wish had just come true, the two most cherished woman in his life had finally learned to forgive each other. 

                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alicea felt emotionally depleted and decided to take a nap before making the trip back.  Margaret lead Alicea to Marcello's old bedroom where she could rest.

"Margaret", Alicea began.  "What's really going on?  Is everything alright with Janice?"

"Everything is great", Margaret smiled.  "Janice has finally realized that she can not control the fate of her children forever plus she misses being around her grandchildren."

"I am thrilled that she has finally seen reason", Alicea chuckled.  "It only took her a couple of years."

                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mom, why didn't you tell me Leo came to talk to you about Jennifer?", Marcello quarried.

"Leo asked me not to."

"He said he wanted it to be a surprise for both of you." 

"Speaking of surprises", Janice continued.  "You'll never guess who graced me with her presence two weeks ago."

"Anyone I know?", Marcello quarried.

"Angelica", she stated as if it were no one.  "She actually had the audacity to suggest that Alicea was having an affair and wanted to reassure me that she would be there to help you through it", Janice sat on the edge of the chair waiting for Marcello's reaction.  When he didn't respond or react Janice continued.  "I assured her that Alicea would never have an affair nor would she hurt you in this way."

"Alicea was right", Marcello whispered.  "Angelica is trying her hardest to come between us."  Realization finally hitting him, Marcello pulled out his cell phone; quickly typing out a text.

"Marcello, what's going on?", Janice placed her hand on Marcello's arm in concern. 

"Mother, what did she say exactly?", he demanded.

"Well . . . ."
Alicea woke to Marcello gently rocking her whispering, "Amore mio, it's time to go."

Alicea rubbed her eyes, stretching, and yawning.  "How long have I been asleep?", she asked.

"Almost two hours", he smiled.  "That peanut is sapping your energy isn't he?", Marcello rubbed her belly.

"Yes, I think SHE is", Alicea empasized.  "Did you have a pleasant conversation with your mother?"

"It's always interesting talking to mother", he sighed.  "But, yes it was for the most part pleasant."

"Marcello what's wrong?", her words were on edge. 

"Nothing for you to worry about, just family drama", he reassured her.  "Leo asked for mother's blessing before asking Jennifer to marry him", he divulged.  "She gave her blessing which I was surprised at."

"Yes, she told me that it was all because of me", Alicea yawned again.  "Do you think she meant it?"  "Has she really had a change of heart after all these years?"

"She certainly has changed and I do believe it is because of you", Marcello assured her.  "You have a way of showing love and compassion that is so true and pure it causes people to love you all the more", he caressed her face placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm glad Janice has finally recognized me for who and what I am", Alicea sighed.  "Are we ready to leave?", she felt anxious and longed for home.

"Yes, I am ready to leave.  Mother has decided to travel with us as well", he admitted as he caressed Alicea's arm.  "She misses the kids and wants to spend time with them", he said as in question to Alicea. 

"Oh, I didn't think she would want to visit so soon", Alicea was suspect of Janice's sudden desire to visit but maintained her composure. "Well then, I better alert Mama before we get there", she smiled.
"Mama? Estamos de camino", Alicia informed her mother they were on their way. "Can you please get the other room ready?", she asked. "Si, vamos tener visita", Alicea answered her question covertly. "Si, we will see you in about four hours", Alicea answered her question wondering herself why Janice would chose now for a visit.

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