Chapter 7 ~ The Dance Continues

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"So, how long have you been planning this?" she asked trying not to smile.
"Weren't you supposed to be working?", she continued as Marcello poured scented body wash into his palm and began to scrub her back.

"You know I detest being away from you. So I took a break. Plus I can work from home via Skype or FaceTime if they run into a snag", the halve truths that came out of his mouth where not lost on her. No doubt he was worried about her considering all the recent events.

"Honey, we've been together so long I can tell when your not giving me the whole truth", she began.
"In truth, I'm glad you're here", she admitted.
"I think these events are becoming to stressful for me", it was more of an admission to herself than to Marcello.

"About that", he began, "what was going on between you and Mr. Mcmurtree?"
There it was, the question she hoped would never come up. Alicea took a deep breath and opened her mouth to respond.

Ring . . . Ring . . . . Ring

"Hold that thought", Marcello lifted himself out of the tub they'dbeen soaking in, grabbing for a towel as he departed into the bedroom.

Alicea breathed a sigh not realizing she had been holding in. She needed to gather her thoughts. It was now or never. Marcello had earned the right to know many times over. She knew there was nothing holding her back but her own shame. "How do I finally explain this?", she thought.

Alicea steeled her nerves and headed into the bedroom dragging a towel behind her. "Marcello . .", she began, but he was nowhere to be seen.

She quickly dried off and wrapped herself in one of the fluffy robes from the closet, then wandered into the bedroom in search of Marcello to find it empty.

"No!", she heard Marcello's voice emanating from the livingroom.
The sternness in his voice made her quiver as she slid into the room incognito. Sliding into a dark lit area behind the sectional, intently listening to his conversation.
Marcello was standing in front of the floor length windows starring out into the night sky wrapped only in a towel that hung low on his hips.

"I told you it's over, done! It has been for a long time!", he spoke forcefully and with such venom, Alicea barely recognized her husband.

"You will stay away from her or so help me . . .", Alicea assumed that the person on the other end must have conceded because he calmed down, or so she thought.

"She is well aware of my past", he continued. "Try it", Marcello challenged. "I think I know her better than anyone. Besides she will not believe a word you say"

Is he talking about me?, Alicea thought. What does he mean?
Alicea suddenly and without thought moved into the light. Did she suddenly grow bold? Or was it pure curiosity that drove her to move into his view, just as he turned to face her.
His eyes spoke louder than words as they doubled in size at the sight of her.
Alicea calmly and slowly walked around the sofa and sat quietly waiting for him to conclude his call.
Marcello didn't even bother saying goodbye and merely hung up.

"So", Alicea began. "I will tell you my secret if you tell me what that was all about", she bargained.

"Well, I. . I", Marcello was lost for words.

"Let's make a deal", she said. "I will begin by answering the question you posed before we were interrupted. And when I am done, you will fill in the blanks on what I just overheard"
"Just nod if you agree", Alicea commanded.

Marcello just nodded in reply and silently sat in the loveseat across from her.
Alicea rose and walked toward the bar.

"You asked me to explain Alan's actions toward me", she reminded him as she poured him some brandy and grabbed a bottle of water for herself.
Marcello, still unable to speak, nodded again.

"Well, he is clearly stuck in the past", Alicea made her way back to her seat handing Marcello the drink before continuing.

"He seems to think he can win me back now after all these years", Alicea forced her eyes up to gauge Marcello's reaction; which she didn't seem to find.

"twelve years ago, I made a huge mistake", she looked down at her hands. "In my defense I was young and stupid. A senior in high school, my whole future ahead of me, but I chose to give him my heart and my virtue".
Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she relived each painful memory.
"Instead of falling into depression, I called my grandmother", she rose again, this time for a tissue.

Marcello had remained frozen in his seat but attentive.

"Between the three of us, my mother, grandmother, and myself; we had agreed that I would move in with her in Texas earlier than I had intended"
"I never told Mami, who Marco's father was", she explained.
"It just would have caused more pain and drama."
"Mama was the only one I trusted with that information and she kept my secret until the day she passed away", Alicea sobbed and looked up toward Marcello to find his seat empty.

"Here", Marcello whispered and handed her the box of tissues planting himself in the seat next to her. "Continue querida. I'm listening", his words soothing and calming her.

Alicea meekly smiled and continued. "Anyway, before I graduated, I had won a scholarship to the University of Texas, which for me worked out great", she chuckled at her good fortune.
"Mami and I took off for Texas just after graduation so that she could help me get settled with doctors and such".
"Jen called me almost every night that summer to check on us, since I had told her mama was sick and needed us to take care of her."
"I worked hard those first two years at school. I took a full load of classes every semester, including the summer"
"The rest you know", she looked at Marcello.
"When we met, I wasn't interested in a relationship or men for that matter".

"I know", he laughed. "But I finally won you over, didn't I?", he said caressing her cheek.

"Yes", Alicea smiled. "Especially when you followed me home and introduced yourself to Mama"
They both chuckled. "She was the one who convinced me to give you a chance".
"She saw something special in yours eyes", Alicea grinned as she thought of her grandmother.
"Speaking of chances", Alicea continued. "This is your chance to tell me your secret".

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