Chapter 13 ~ Into Darkness

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Alicea felt refreshed from her nap and yet the cool air and motion of the ride made her sleepy again. "This peanut is really sapping my energy", she thought. She watched the scene as Marcello drove home catching up with his mother's doings and events. Alicea allowed herself to get lost in thought, recalling everything that had transpired in the past weeks. She revisited the dance and Alan's odd behavior since the school year began. Why would he attempt to rekindle something that hasn't been there in years? She thought back to their interactions wondering if she'd given him any reason to behave the way he did. She couldn't think of anything.
"Oh, honey", Janice sighed. "I still can't believe she came to see me, the nerve."
Alicea looked over at Marcello who became stiff holding the steering wheel as she finally became aware of their conversation. She placed her hand on his right hand caressing it lightly. Marcello eyed her quickly, smiling slightly. "Something is wrong", Alicea said to herself. Against her better judgement, she decided to ask anyway, "Who went to visit you Janice?"
"Why, Angelica of course", Janice said as if it were common knowledge.
Alicea's breath caught in her throat. "Why the hell would Angelica visit Janice?", she thought. "Who the hell does she think she is", Alicea's concern turning to anger.
"And why did she come to visit you Janice?", Alicea continued attempting to keep her voice light.
"Why, she was trying to convince me that . . .", she began but didn't finish as Marcello swerved forcing her and Alicea to jerk in their seats.
"What the hell Marcello!", Alicea looked over at him narrowing her eyes.
"Sorry, pothole", he smiled and shrugged. Marcello didn't want his mother divulging anything until he could make a plan to deal with Angelica privately. He had to keep his mother under control until they got home. "Mother, how long will you be staying with us?", Marcello changed the subject.
"I'm not on a time limit honey", Janice stated. "Besides, I want to spend some time with the kids."
Sensing that Marcello was hiding something from her, Alicea sat quietly contemplating when and how she would get it out of him.


"Mayma!", squealed Genesis running toward the vehicle excitedly reaching for her grandmother while Janice climbed out of the car.
"Hello my darling!", Janice pulled Genesis up into her arms giving her a hug. "So, what would you like to do while I'm here? Horseback riding? Petting zoo? Name it."
"Horsey, horsey!", Genesis stated excitedly.
"Mother", Marcello chided. "Let's not make any promises just yet."
"Mommy!", Genesis leaped out of Janice's arms sprinting to her mother finally realizing she was there.
"Hello little ladybug", Alicea greeted her daughter who nearly knocked her down.
"Genesis!", Marcello reprimanded. "Remember to be gentle with mommy and the baby."
"Sawwie", Genesis pouted.
"It's alright my love", Alicea soothed her daughter eyeing Marcello. "Let's go inside baby girl." Alicea carried Genesis into the house placing her onto the threshold. "Where's mama?", Alicea asked her daughter.
"Kitchen", Genesis replied as she pulled her mother down the hallway toward the kitchen.
"Mama", Alicea called walking into the room. Her mother was seated at the small table in the nook sipping tea.
"Mama? Is everything okay?", Alicea worried.
"Si, mija", she smiled. "Everything is well. How are you feeling?", noticing how tired Alicea seemed.
"Estoy bien mama", she reassured her mother of her well being as she embraced her in a hug and sighed.
"Mija, you need to rest", she worried over Alicea. "You of all people know how pregnancy can drain you", she continued as she stood and ushered her toward the stairs.
"Of course I do mama, but I still have things to do before . . .", not being allowed to protest any further, her mother motioned for her to climb the stairs.
"Dona Carlita", Marcello greeted his mother-in-law with a hug. "How well behaved were the kids?"
"Angels as always", she winked at him. "They don't mess with abuela", she smiled. "Besides, I know how to manage and persuade them easily."
Marcello smiled and chuckled. "Of course you do", he nodded. "You'll have to teach me that sometime."
"It's a grandparent thing", she smirked. "So you'll have to wait until you finally become one to learn that secret", Dona Carlita kidded as she noticed Janice saunter in behind him.
"Janice", her greeting cool but clipped. "How are you? It's been way too long."
"Yes it has Carla", Janice agreed.
"Mother, let me show you to the guest room", Marcello urged sensing the tension between the two. "Bendicion, mama", Marcello gave Dona Carlita a quick peck on the cheek and walked his mother down the hall toward the other guest room.
"Que dios te bendiga, mijo", she replied caressing his arm then retreated into the kitchen to finish her tea.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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