Chapter 1 ~ First Impressions

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~ Mrs. Alicea Del Romero Scaglione is a well liked, intellegent, and admired woman. She is the type of person a friend could depend on in a pinch and always willing to help a soul in need, whether friend or foe. But this will be her downfall because those who do good always fall prey to ENVY ~

First Impressions

Her first day back at work and Alicea was excited to catch up with all her friends and colleagues after a well deserved and pleasurable summer break. As per her usual yearly ritual, Alicea carefully unpacked and arranged the photographs of her family onto the oak desk facing her. As she placed each one, she reveled in the feelings they elicited. Grinning as she admired each of the smiling faces of those she adored.
Alicea continued to unpack an antique gold encrusted porcelain cross; bequeathed to her by her grandmother.  As she held it in her hands, she admired the intricate details which made it so unique. Somehow it always made her feel safe, as if her grandmother were there watching over her. Alicea hung the cross in her classroom every year as a way of sharing a bit of herself with her students. However, the cross itself held so much more meaning, as it was a family heirloom passed down to the first born daughters of each generation. As she held it, her grandmother's voice resonated in her memory: 

"Alicea, this cross is not only a piece of our family history but possesses so much more. Which you will come to learn at a time of greatest need". 

She'd heard the urban legends surrounding the famed cross, but took it for just that, urban legend or family lore. She gave no more thought to the famed object and began her ritual of hanging it, whispering a short prayer as she did so.  Alicea carefully ascended the step ladder, suddenly feeling the short hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention as if in warning.

"Hello", whispered a sweet, sultry voice from behind her.  Alicea quickly turned with her heart in her throat, nearly tumbling off the step ladder and coming face to face with a beautiful tall blond bombshell.

Ms. Halina-Maslow was what anyone and everyone might call perfect; with her long flowing blond locks that ran down to her buttocks, a perfect porcelain complexion, ice blue eyes and towering a mere six feet in height. Next to her, Alicea felt like an ugly step sister.  She however was anything but; her beautiful olive toned skin was as smooth as almond butter which matched beautifully with the sleek wavy brunette shoulder length mane she possessed; piercing hazel green eyes tucked under long lashes and curves in all the right places. 

"Ms. Angelica Halina-Maslow", the blonde introduced herself as she extended her hand.  "Sorry if I scared you", she apologized with a smirk.

Alicea quickly reciprocated without missing a beat and shook her hand.
"Uh, hello, it's nice to meet you", she managed to utter extending her right hand.
Angelica bared a brilliant gleaming white smile, the kind a Cheshire cat might use once they've caught their prey.
"same here", she replied.
"It seems we'll be working together this year. Excited?", Angelica inquired.

"In truth? Um, I'm a bit nervous", Alicea openly admitted.
"I've never had the chance to teach fifth grade and I'm not sure I'm up to the challenge but I am glad I won't be alone", she sighed.
"Hey, this is new to both of us, so no worries", Angelica reassured her.
"Besides we'll back each other up and learn from one another. Isn't that what we teachers do?" Angelica winked at Alicea although it didn't feel genuine, as if there was some underlying agenda hidden behind it.
"So, you've taught fifth before?", Alicea could barely get an answer as they were interrupted by a loud boisterous voice.

"Hey you two, get back to work, this isn't social hour!"
The voice was unmistakable. Mrs. Agnes del Clave had slunk in undetected through the back door of the classroom. This woman always commanded the attention of any room she entered with her grand voice and snappy opinionated wit. When she spoke everyone attended to each and every word that dripped off her tongue. She wasn't much to look at, but her claim to fame was to say, "What God didn't bless me with in looks and height, he deemed to bless me with in voice".  Mrs. del Clave had a very ordinary appearance like a plain Jane with straight stark black hair always tied back in a bun. Her roundness always reminded Alicea of Santa Clause with her jolly round face and rosy cheeks, although she was anything but. A twenty year veteran to the profession, six year friend and colleague, Alicea was pleased to see her. They hadn't gotten to spend much time together this summer as in previous years but she'd been looking forward to catching it up.
"Yes ma'am!", Alicea responded with a cheesy grin. The women chuckled, in Agnes's case more of a cackle, and shared a hug.
"You look nice and tanned. Where have you been off to this time?" Agnes inquired with strange interest.  Alicea noted this but dismissed these feelings as she trusted her friend implicitly.

"Well, we just got back from another cruise, to Belize this time. You know Marcello loves to travel as a family while we have the chance. The kids had a blast running around and we were able to sneak in some alone time", as she said this Alicea couldn't help but smile and blush.  Agnes eyed her and a suspicious smile slowly rounded her face which only made Alicea blush even more.

"Oh, um . . I'm sorry.  Agnes have you met Mrs. Angelica Halina-Maslow? She will be my partner this year", Alicea quickly and effortlessly changed the subject before Agnes could ask for details; to which she was certain Angelica had taken note of.

"Yes, I've had the opportunity during summer school. It's good to see you again. I'm sure You'll be in good hands with Alicea as a partner Mrs. Maslow", she stated.

"It's Miss, I'm not tied down", Angelica gleamed a brilliant smile as she extended her own hand in greeting. "It's good to see you to".
"I'm still looking for Mr. Right", her smile seemed so genuine and yet Alicea couldn't help but shiver at the site of it.  Angelica's demeanor reminded her of a crocodile's toothy grin just before it strikes. 
"Beautiful family", Angelica stated as she picked up and admired a photo from Alicea's desk. 
Again, the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention.
"Thank you", Alicea managed as she walked over and took the photo from Angelica's hand, replacing it on the desk.  "Well ladies, I'm sorry but I need to get back to it, this room won't fix itself", Alicea said cheerfully attempting to have them vacate the room.   "Agnes, lunch later?", she asked.

"Sure Ali, its great to see you."
"I've missed hanging out."
"Maybe you can fill me in on all the fun and adventure this summer.", Agnes winked.

"Sure thing", Alicea hugged her friend and Agnes let herself out.

"So, does she do that often?", Angelica asked curiously as she slowly picked up another photo and returned it to the desk.

"What do you mean? Do what?", Alicea pondered her question carefully repositioning and wiping the frame Angelica had been holding. What could she truly mean by that?

"Nothing, only that she seems awfully familiar and comfortable just walking in uninvited", Angelica motioned toward the door.
"Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd? Almost as if she feels she owns the place", Angelica continued.

"I'm sorry are you suggesting that Agnes is . . . what exactly?  I mean you are new here; how could you possibly know anything about our relationship or anyone here for that matter?", Alicea asserted herself more strongly than she'd intended as she stared up at Angelica. Where is this coming from?, she thought. Alicea was never one for confrontation and yet it seemed as if the situation called for it but where did she acquire this newfound nerve?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overstep, just stating my opinion on an observation. I didn't feel as if she was very professional about her actions is all", Angelica stuttered and held her hands up in defense along with a shy smile.
"I think I will take my leave now.  Can we meet later?  I'd like to start planning if that would be alright", Angelica added as she lead against the door.

Alicea's face reddened embarrassed by her outburst as she attempted to apologize but all she could manage was: "Sure, later".
She had no idea why she felt so defensive. Something about Angelica made her feel uneasy. Angelica held her hand up waving good-bye before Alicea could say anything further.
"I'll see you later", she said as she slithered out of the room.
Alicea took a deep breath and sat down. She eyed the cross.  Somehow it seemed brighter.  "How odd", she stated as she climbed the step ladder to touch it.  "This gleam coming off the cross has to be a reflection of light", she thought as she reached out to grasp it.

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