Would you like my head sauteed, baked, or deep fried?

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"Kyle Smith, possibly the sexiest and most eligible bachelor on planet earth right now, was spotted with a mystery girl early Sunday morning. The pair looked extra smitten as he carried the girl and her heels (*Swoons.* Isn't he just perf?) on their way to his grandmother's famous cafe. They refused to comment on whether or not they were a couple, but when you're out at 3 a.m. on a Sunday morning with sex hair and super close to someone's face without worrying about morning breath- we can only assume the worst. And that is the news none of us ever wanted to hear; KYLE SMYTH IS NO LONGER SINGLE! Let the shattering of every woman's heart be heard around the world." 

"What a load of crap! Me and Kyle aren't dating!" I threw the magazine on the floor of Lacey's car after I read it aloud.

We were headed back to school now and I was not looking forward to it. Surely just about all of the girls in school had seen at least one magazine with my face plastered all over it during lunch.

"It could be worse." Taylor commented through the phone.

"What do you mean 'it could be worse', this is about as bad as it can get!" I shrieked down the line.

"So what you're saying is you're upset because everyone in the world thinks you're dating a super hot, rich, and famous guy?" Sam's muffled voice shot back down the receiver.

"How about you shut up and keep driving?" I replied since I couldn't think of a good comeback.

Sam's snort was hardly audible over the rumble of both car engines.

Thank God Lacey's car is only a two seater I might've strangled Sam to death by now.

"This is really bad though, seriously. I didn't even remember his name when I woke up later that day, what's he going to think when he sees all of these magazines?" I picked at my nails worriedly.

There was the sound of shuffling coming through the phone and finally Brianna made herself known.

"You could always ask him." 

"What? I don't even have his number so how can I do that? Or better yet WHY would I do that?" I clutched the phone tighter.

"He's Olivia's brother, just ask her for his number." Lacey jumped in.

"Right." Brianna agreed.

"Have you two lost your freaking minds? Libby just about turned into the Hulk when she read that article. Imagine what she'd do if I asked her for his number!"

"Oh, pish posh she'll get over it. She's just very protective of her brother and hates it when he brings floozies into his life." Lacey smiled reassuringly at me.

"Awesome. So Libby hates my guts and thinks I'm a gold digging hoe? This day just can't get any better." I deadpanned.

"No! That's not what I was saying at all you're just being-"

"Oops, looks like we're here already! Talk to you guys later!" I cut Lacey off, hung up my phone, and jumped out of the car before it stopped moving.

"This isn't over!" Lace yelled from the window catching the eye of a few nosy students.

I didn't respond and jogged up the steps to the school.

"He's WHAT?!" Someone shrieked from down the hallway.

I froze and looked over my shoulder.

Amy was throwing a temper tantrum at something and glaring daggers at the people around her. She was screaming her guts out and swatting some poor kid with a rolled up piece of paper in her hand. Normally I would have laughed but as soon as I caught a glimpse of the title on the paper all thoughts left my mind.

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