And Here Comes The Headache, Lord Give Me Strength.

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Only changed this one a bit too!


"Mrs. Rosendale are you in here?" Taylor knocked as she tried to see through the paper covered window.

A minute later we heard some shuffling around and Mrs. Rosendale's student teacher opened the door.

"Um, is Mrs. Rosendale here?"

"No she's out for the whole week but I could help you if you'd like?"

"Oh, yeah, of course."

Samantha and Taylor both grabbed me by one of my elbows and sat me down on that weird bed thing all nurse's office's have.

"So what seems to be the problem today Ms.," She poked around in her desk for, I'm assuming, my file before continuing, "Harris."

"Well I think I may have a fever and my stomach hurts a lot."

"Okay let me just go grab the thermometer."

"You poor thing. How did you even manage to get sick? Fall just started like two weeks ago." Taylor rubbed my arm sympathetically.

"Well I got locked out of my car and had to walk halfway to school in the pouring frickin' rain this morning, and my stomach was already feeling a little queasy from some takeout two nights ago." I winced a bit as my stomach churned.

"Aw, poor baby." Taylor cooed and gave me an awkward little side hug, teasing me.

"Wait, you said you walked halfway to school this morning?"


"U-um...yeah..." I gave her a look which she promptly ignored.

"So who gave you a ride the rest of the way?" Sam quizzed further, showing me no mercy.

She wanted answers, and she wanted them now. But, thank goodness, Ms. Travis walked in at that moment.

"Just put this under your tongue until it starts beeping."

I did as I was told and tried not to gag on the disgusting plastic taste on one of those disposable cover things. I was aslo trying to avoid looking at Taylor and Samantha so my eyes stayed glued on a jar of cotton swabs on the other side of the room.

The thermometer beeped all too soon and I handed the device back to Ms. Travis. She took a look at it before pressing a button and having the cover shoot into the trashcan.

If only I could do that with my problems.

"Well you have a slight fever. And you said your stomach was aching?"

I nodded.

"Have you also been tired, not eating much and had a headache?"

I blinked and was a little spooked at how she could've guessed all of that.


"Well darlin' it looks to me like you have the flu. Which is why we tell you to get your shot before the school year starts." She laughed at the end of her scolding to soften the blow.

I wasn't offended or anything but I was slightly embarrassed. I had told my mom I needed to get the flu shot but she insisted that it caused more harm than good.

Ms. Travis reached for my file again and began skimming through it before looking back up at me.

"Okay now who is the most reachable contact at the moment? Mom, dad, or Mrs. Ledger?" Ms. Travis ticked off all of the contacts in my folder, including Brianna's mom, my emergency contact.

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