The Valley Of Seath.

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"Marcelene Harris?"


Oh for the love of God...I swear her and Amy are frickin' clones.

As if she could read my thoughts Mrs. Hillinger shot me a death glare before continuing with attendance. I glance over at Christian before stiffling a sigh and slouching back into my seat.

At least he's getting comfortable. I thought gloomily before stealing another look at him.

It's as if no girl in the history of Oakland High School has ever seen a member of the male sex. Well, I guess that's not a fair statement because I would definetly have to say that Christian is the best looking guy in school. But that doesn't mean that they have to throw themselves at him! Where did all of the self-respect go?

I heard a hiss of someone trying to get my attention and jumped in my seat.

"Huh? What?" I ask dumfoundedly and looked around.

"I was just wondering what time we get out of this class." Christian shushed while giving me the cutest smile I have ever seen.

"Oh. Um, at like tw-," I began but was cut off by someone else speaking.

"Ms. Harris! Is there something that you would like to share with the class?"

Even though I already have a pretty good idea of who's talking to me I look up to make sure.


I was right, it's Mrs. Hillinger.


"No Mrs. Hillinger."

"Oh really? Because if you have something more important to talk about than sex, I can just stop the lesson."

"No ma'am. I assure you nothing is more important than sex."

I heard a snort from my left and fought to hold back an annoyed grunt.

"Is there something funny Mr. Roberts?" She questioned pursing her lips.

"Nope. Nothing at all. But please continue I was very interested in what you were just teaching." By the end of his sentence he's sending Mrs. Hillinger a dazzling smile.

"Oh, alright then."

Making sure that the teacher was facing the board I quickly rip out a sheet of notebook paper and begin writing on it.

'Well, you did it now.'

I take one last look at the board before throwing the note on Christians desk. For a moment he looks up confused before sending another smile my way.

I really wish he'd stop doing that...

Before I have the chance to act like I'm paying attention I hear a soft plop on my desk. I look down and see that it's the note again but I look around before opening it.

'I did what now?'

'You gave that THING the chance to hit on you. She's gonna wear you down now. And p.s. If she asks you to stay after class, say NO. I've heard so many stories about what she tries to do to the upperclass guys after school, it's crazy. I'm just surprised that she hasn't gotten fired yet.'

I quickly flick the paper back at Christian, this time staring at him while he reads the note. I almost choke trying not to laugh at the disgusted face he's making by the time he finishes. I get the note back a lot faster this time.

'That's gross, and thanks for the warning. But like I was saying before, how long until we get out of Silicone Valley?'

'LOL, Silicone Valley? More like the Valley of Death. And I think around 2:00? Maybe? I don't know. When the bells rings, bro. lmfao.'

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