Hiccups' Dream..

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But... Trust me, the book will go on. JUST NOTE


Hiccups POV.

I was battling the best I could through the fog but it was hard fire and roaring and yelling was coming from all directions. I was back to crack with Toothless, when suddenly I felt pain and everything went black

When I sat up everything was was white. Where the heck on Odins beard, was I? When suddenly it struck me like an arrow peircing the heart. I was in Valahalla. I- my thinking was cut short when I saw a figure approaching me. It was... Dad. He walked quietly up to me. He looked exactly the same the day we lost him.

"..Dad?" I barely managed to get my word out when he abruptly pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.

"Hiccup, my boy." He broke the hug and lifted my chin up.

"Am I dead?" I whispered. "Not if I can help it." He whispered.
"Look how far you've come Hiccup. Do you remember when you didn't like dragons or killing? When you were a wee little lad?" He chuckled lost in thought then looked me in the eye. "Now look where you are. A strong, brave chief. I couldn't be prouder. I love you son." I looked at him when suddenly it all faded to black.

Astrid's POV

I was crying. Asmund didn't understand. He kept asking. When suddenly I heard some more dragon roars and looked to the opening to the cave. "MOM." Ingrid and Stoick came running and gave me a huge hug. Then Ingrid noticed Hiccup. "What's wrong with daddy?" The rest of the gang came up to me and started bombarding and bugging me with questions. Pissed off I took out my axe and threw it at Snotlout who quickly ducked and immediately everyone was quiet. "He- he's dead." I whispered more tears came streaming down my face and I gave up trying to keep them back.

"I- I think Toothless is gone too." I heard Ruff call out. I broke down crying hard.

They were gone. Gone. Gone. No, they couldn't be.

And then fish legs came up to me. "Astrid, at least they died together."

That only made everything worse. Hiccup the chief of Berkshire dead, with Toothless the Chief of Dragons, the last night fury... Now dead.

Broken I just sat there and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Take Hiccup back to Berk and to his mom. I will stay with.. Toothless." Snotlout nodded and gently picked up hiccups lifeless body. He took off riding Hookfang and holding hiccup in his arms. All the dragons sensed what happened. "Ruff tuff, fish legs, take the kids home." Quietly everyone departed. I wasn't honestly sure what to do with Toothless. I didn't want to leave him but I wasn't sure if it would be weird to take him. So I just sat there. Alone waiting for the gang to get back.


I already have the next chapters ideas.
I will also try to update more often. Right now I'm still being bombarded with homework at school. Maybe 1 every 2 weeks or once every week if possible.

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