The funeral interrupted DUN DUN DUNNNNN

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(Issue not exactly... resolved at the end of the chapter) (third person POV. Sorry guys couldn't write in first person rn)

Astrid stood on the shore. They were sending Hiccups casket off. After a few hours it occurred to her that he was gone. And so she planned his funeral. Berk was in uproar. Who would be chief? Astrid wanted to see if she could be chiefess but she knew how women were thought of in Berk. While Hiccup was dead, they were unsure about Toothless. His scales started glowing blue but that's it. And she wanted to at least hope he was alive. So she kept him in the stables hoping that Toothless would be okay.

As she sent the lit her arrow she remembered all the memories.

With all the dates, the honeymoon, and when she found out about Toothless. Now that would be something she would NEVER forget. She pushed the thoughts away and aimed then right when she let the arrow leave the bow a huge gust of wind made her spin and nearly knocked her off her feet. She glanced up. Toothless! But what was he doing? Toothless flew to the now burning casket and started to make noises. Her heart sank when she realized he was saying goodbye. But he seemed frantic. He looked up at her and dive bombed to her and swept her off the groun on his back before you could say Valhalla. "Woah, toothless what are you doing?!" He dive bombed the ship creating holes. He was trying to stop the ship. "Toothless! What are you doing!?" She yelled. He swallowed some water and spit it on the flames drenching Astrid. "Toothless. HES GONE," she screamed at him. Suddenly she noticed the boat was sinking. Panicking she searched for Hiccup and found his body sinking. Astrid didn't hesitate diving in the water grabbing his body then swam up. Toothless swiped them, back up and flew to the cove where he dropped them into the lake. Astrid managed to get hiccups body and pulled it to shore and started to couch from swallowing all that water. She looked where hiccups body was and it was gone.

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