Chapter 11 - Unspoken Words

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{"The way that they leave tells you everything"}

Feeling lost is a natural human reaction when exposed to an unfamiliar setting or when something important has been lost. It is a feeling that is triggered by uncertainty.

As I stood in the middle of a sweaty crowd, the thumping of the music hurting my ears and my heart pounding with fear, I certainly felt lost.

"You okay?" she raised her eyebrows, her eyes calculating.

I nodded quickly, swallowing the lump in my throat. My mind couldn't help but wander back to the last time I was in the party environment, it was as if my brain was ready to send out a mayday signal. But I didn't have anyone to rescue me.

"Right, well I'll go and get us some drinks. Stay here, Paise. I'll be right back!" she blew me a kiss and I sent her a weak smile.

Fiddling with hem of my lace skirt nervously, I looked around while I waited. I didn't understand how people could enjoy parties, the atmosphere enough made me feel queasy. There were the groups of people, laughing and showing off their outfits to their friends looking for self-reassurance. Then there were the others who drank to disguise the pain or sat on their phones pretending to be in the middle of an important phone call, when really they were talking to an automated answer machine.

Then there was me, standing shakily like a fish in the desert.

"Hi there, pretty girl" a voice came from behind me and I squeezed my eyes shut, biting my lip nervously. They turned me round, grabbing my shoulders and flashed me a cheesy smile. Long blonde surfer locks and ice blue eyes, certainly not someone from my school. Flirty drunk.

I blinked.

"Playing hard to get? I know most girls like to do that" he chuckled and I looked away, scanning the crowd in hopes that Megan would return. "You can talk, right?"

I shook my head slowly and his face dropped, his eyes flashing with panic, looking behind him nervously.

"Uh, I heard someone calling my name. Bye..."

I felt no disappointment. I was waiting for that reaction all along, the kind of reaction that I was used to.

After ten minutes standing alone, I realised that Megan might have forgotten that I was there. I went in search for her, fumbling from room to room silently hoping that she was alright. What if she had gotten herself into trouble? What if something had happened?

Knocking on the bathroom door, it swung open to reveal a stumbling dark haired girl, giggling as she looked at me.

"Isn't it just a beautiful day? It's such a beautiful day!" she laughed and held onto my hands, trying to make me dance around with her. I simply tried to awkwardly escape her hold and continue my journey around the house.

Childish drunk.

Once I had checked everywhere other than the bedrooms, I held my breath as my chest filled with worry. What if someone is taking advantage of her? The first bedroom seemed empty, no noise coming from it but when I opened the door further, I noticed the outline of a body laying down on the bed.

Rushing forward to touch their arm in case it was Megan, I gasped as I was met with dark, dark eyes and dark hair. Glancing around quickly, my mind automatically started running through the bad situations that he could have gotten into. There was an empty bottle of some sort of alcohol on the bedside table, indicating that he had just been suffering through a rough night of drinking with his pathetic friends.

"E-Ellis?" I whispered shakily.

He sighed, his shoulders going slack as he moved to sit beside me on the bed, grabbing my hand to pull me closer to him. Patting his shoulder uncomfortably, I tried to move away once I figured that he was just looking for some kind of comfort.

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