~Ending Note~

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If you have got to this point, I seriously can't thank you enough. I know I don't speak about it much but this book really does mean the world to me. I remember when I first started writing it when I was around 12 or 13 years old...I sat down writing in a new notebook while watching television. I remember writing it in pencil in case I made any mistakes, and it was the first book I was proud of. I remember how I always used to struggle with writing when I was younger, I would always write the description, draw a cover for it and write the first two pages and then get bored. I would never make it through more than a couple of chapters. But with this book, something was different. It was the first book that I wanted to finish and kept going back to, instead of just stopping and creating a new story idea. I still have so many first chapters from ages 10-14, all of them no more than a few pages, things that I will treasure forever and constantly laugh at. 

But transferring my work onto wattpad with this being my first book, it changed everything. Having comments of people asking me to continue and telling me that they loved my work, it meant more than I could ever imagine or describe even to this day. I felt the need to rewrite it when I got older, which started when I was around 16, I am now 18 and know a lot more than I did when I first wrote the book and feel genuinely happy with how each chapter turned out. It is something I will look back at and smile on, and maybe even try to get published one day!

 It brought back the love I had for writing and I want to thank each of you, whether you read the original version or not that was written when I was 13, thank you for commenting and constantly supporting this book. Many chapters were hard to write and I relate to her character so much, many of these things happening to me in life to a smaller degree, but she is the closest character to myself that I have written about and I feel like this book has become a part of me. 

Please, leave comments about what this book has meant to you and what you liked about it. Feedback always helps me to continue writing and genuinely makes my day just that little bit brighter. 

I hope you weren't too upset or disappointed at the ending of the story but I love the message it gives, for you all to know that despite maybe not ending up with who you think you might, everyone you fall in love with teaches you things that you can learn from. Paisley may not have ended up with the boy she loved who turned out to be a figment of her imagination, but she ended up loving herself and learning how to open up to strangers. That to me, is more important than having her live happily ever after with the guy she loved when she was seventeen. I just wanted this book to leave a nice message and lesson for everyone to learn from, something that hopefully can heal your broken hearts. 

If you are a fan of my writing, just to let you know I do have other works. I have another book on this account, another romance story but with mental health issues, and I am uploading the first chapters of another book tonight on my account called ALMOST. Please check them out if you like my writing style or my ideas, because I love writing and hope that you can see that from my words and ideas <3

Thank you for everything, till next time :)


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