Epilogue - Thank You

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{"what is the greatest lesson that a woman can learn? 

      that since day one she already had everything she needed within herself 

                          it was the world that convinced her she did not"}

(10 years later)

I scanned the bookshop with a sigh, tapping my foot impatiently in the hopes that I would find something to interest me. It was strange to get some peace and quiet after how busy life had become through the past years. I had gone for a training program one summer after we moved house, to another state where I could continue school with no fear holding me back. The program was for counselling, something which after everything I thought that I could understand a lot more than most.

The teenagers that I had started to work with all reminded me of myself, each of them having their own issues and fears. It took a while to get through to them all but it was something that had begun to be very important for me, every single session giving me a purpose.

Maybe after everything I had been through, I wanted to help other people find reasons to stay here in this world.

My phone started ringing, bringing me out of my daze and I smiled once I saw her name on the screen. I picked up with a small grin, speaking into the phone enthusiastically.

"Hi, Mom. Yes, I am fine. I'm in town at the bookshop and then I'm going to a cafe for a while. I have my purse on me and my phone has enough battery. Any other questions?"

She stumbled over her words on the other line. "T-That's uh-fine. But I don't just call to bombard you with questions, sweetheart. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch next week, say Tuesday?"

"I'll check when I'm working" I laughed. "But sounds good. Take care, Mom!"

"Call me tomorrow!" she sneaked in before I hung up with a small sigh.

Ever since Aspen had left, I had relied on her as my source of comfort, every day that went by bringing us closer together. She constantly called to check up on me, asking hundreds of questions as if after ten years she was still terrified I would do something stupid again. I don't know what I would do without her, but knew that she would always be here with me, even if only in my heart one day.

I had begun to see my father again every once in a while, the awkward lunches better than nothing. He had gotten a new job, spending all of his time working, my mother secretly relieved to hear from me that he had no signs of any love life. I knew that deep down he still loved her but sometimes people don't care enough to keep trying.

That's just how the world works but I had begun to feel okay with that.

My own love life, had been pretty nonexistent after Aspen had left. I kept my distance from men, generally too busy with work and spending time with my mother to care, but there was hope that one day something could change. I guess I would always have that fear when letting someone in or getting to know them, but it had become more controllable over the years and it was getting easier every single day to picture myself being happy in the future with someone who wasn't him.

As I exited the bookstore, I looked around for the cafe to read my new purchase. It was called It Never Lasts, a book that I was truly excited to indulge in. Throughout the years, romance stories seemed to be the way to go, each one leaving my heart aching for more and making me more excited for the future where I could have that same feeling in my life where somebody belongs to you, and you belong to them.

I looked up and locked eyes with someone who made my body go cold.

Her dark brown hair was still the same, her stance still tall and headstrong, but her face wavered slightly. Her usually sharp eyebrows were drooped downwards as she looked on the edge of tears. Her makeup was smudged and she was holding on to a tall man with dark facial hair. At more of a glance, she looked scared and his grip was slightly too tight around her wrist, but not too tight that it would cause a scene.

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