Chapter Eight

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*Olly's P.O.V*

We were well into the new year and I was feeling positive. We would be setting of for tour in a week and our first destination was Cardiff on the first of February... However, this meant y/n would have to spend her birthday on tour with us lot... Because of this, I was determined to make this the best birthday she had ever had! We had the arena on her birthday and I had a great idea for her... With a week to go y/n was already packing, that was so like her... Always prepared! She had triple checked the case now and no doubt she'd do the same an hour before we were due to go... "So babe... because we are on tour for your birthday, I thought we'd go out for a meal ... " She ran up to me and gave me a cuddle. "Thank you babe... You didn't have to, being with you is enough..." She said before kissing me. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me..." I replied before kissing her temple.

"Thanks for this again Olly..." Y/n said as we were walking home from the meal. I smiled and wrapped my arm round her. "You're more than welcome beautiful..." I whisper while she wrapped her arm round my waist as we were walking through the park home y/n spotted a set of swings, "Push me Olly?" She asked looking at me I nodded and we ran over, I was pushing her and she was like a little kid. Once she was finished we walked home and had a glass of wine. "I love you Oliver... more than anything in the world." She told me as we were cuddled up in bed, I looked at her, " I love you to y/n. I love you so much, you're my world..." I replied. She kissed me softly before it got more passionate, then BAM!!!!

Next Morning...

Last night was amazing! Y/n was happy, I was happy. Like predicted, she triple checked the case again knowing that. Sarah knocked on the door and we set off. We climbed in the car and me and y/n sat next to each other... "Cardiff here we come!" Everyone laughed. During the car ride, y/n had cuddled up to me and had fell asleep, I knew she would she told me she sleeps like a baby during long car rides, but I also fell asleep so it's ok. In total, we were in the car for over 3 hours going to Cardiff. It was needless to say y/n was tiered and so was I... We went to the hotel room and laid on the bed for a while before Sarah told us we had to go to rehearsal. While I was rehearsing, Y/n was organizing some outfits and was being told about the new 'tent system' in which whenever I need to change clothes, I went in, it was zipped up... I got changed cooled down and I would then run back on stage. Quite simple but everything had to run perfectly... After we went through the set list we went through a set rehearsal. Everything ran perfectly. I even managed to run a quick peck on the cheek by y/n a few times... She enjoyed being part of the team, back at the hotel we both fell asleep fairly quickly.

Next Day

Today was the first tour day... I was so nervous. Y/n kept telling me to be calm but I couldn't I was full of adrenaline and nervous at the same time! Y/n was a little nervous too but she was better at hiding it than I was. It was finally time to go on, when I hit the stage, everything was perfect... The fans screaming my name... My name in lights, I loved it... When the show was over I was on a cloud nine. I saw y/n stood there smirking at me, "You did amazing babe." She said as I walked up to her. I picked her up and spun her round. "Thanks babe." I said putting her down and giving her a kiss Mark then came over. "Olly..." Great he didn't like it... "THAT was amazing! That's why I took the job of being your manager on... You did team Murs proud." He shook my hand. "Thanks Mark but I couldn't have done it without this amazing team..." I replied as they all gathered round. "Thanks guys! Here's to many more!" I shouted before singing our team chant. Y/n laughed as she stood back... After Cardiff we hit London, the O2!!! But before that, it was y/n's birthday.

*Your P.O.V* - Your Birthday...

It was my birthday at last! I woke up to Olly at the foot of the bed with a bag of presents. "Happy Birthday babe." He said smiling at me, "Morning babe.. Thanks..." i looked at my phone and had a text from my mum.

From: Mum <3

' Happy Birthday Princess! Enjoy your day! I hope you like what I got you... Lots of Love mum... xxx'

I put my phone down and Olly walked over to me with the bag. "Here you go Birthday princess..." He said kissing me. I took the bag from him. "Thanks babe." I replied before kissing him. I looked in the bag and there was 4 presents , 1) A picture of us he had taken secretly at New Years eve. 2) A gold necklace with a star on. 3) A charm bracelet with my initial on. 4) A bottle of my favorite perfume... "Thanks babe." I said hugging him... "That's not all... look in the bathroom..." I got up and walked to the bathroom to find a beautiful cream knee length dress. "Olly its..." He stopped me, "Look at the tag..." I looked at it and it read 'To my darling princess... Happy Birthday, hope you wear it tonight. Lots of Love mum xox' I looked at Olly confused, "Tonight?" He smiled, "Yeah after rehearsal Sarah's taking you for a meal." I smiled... "You have to take the dress there tho..." I smiled and hugged him... "Let's go..." He said grabbing my dress. I grabbed my bracelet and necklace and followed him. We reached the venue and we put the things in the dressing room. "So after my last change, you come in here and get dressed, you then leave the arena via the STAGE meaning you have to walk over the stage." Olly explained to me. I laughed. "Okay Ols..." I hugged him and he went into his first outfit... It was his last rehearsal change and he again kissed me on the cheek and ran off. As soon as he was gone I went to get dressed like he said.. It took me longer than expected... Olly then came in... "Hey babe!" He came in beaming... "Hey Ols." I replied as he put my necklace on... "Give me 2 minutes and I'll walk out with you..." He said changing his clothes. I sat on the sofa and waited, "Come one then!" He said taking my hand. As he said we walked up the stage stairs and I froze... On the stage was A picnic with candles, chocolate covered strawberries and picky food. "Olly... I..." I said looking at him, "You don't need to say anything..." He whispered before I kissed him. We walked over to the picnic and it was the best birthday ever!!!! The tour went on and it was now the 14th tomorrow we had a show in Bournemouth. I had been feeling sick  but had just been ignoring it until today.

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