Hola / Calum Hood

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Hello. I just wanted to write a rant that conncerned me a lot.

Anyway, before I start, ever since the incident, my grades have been doing a lot more better, passing every classes ( except for my high school/college career class, I'm failing that I think )

I did an assignment that was actually the day of the incident and I didn't do very good on it with A LOT of distractions going on ( I got a D, I was hoping to get an A or a B )

Anyways, I hope you guys are doing very good with your life, I'm just focusing on school, I'm being more social than before ( I'm 50% social 50% anti-social )



Calum Hood

Now if you haven't heard their new album ( if you haven't, buy on iTunes now, gift it to a friend or stream it on Spotify ), there is a song in there called "Invisible", people ( including me ) are saying it relates to them a lot but what they haven't noticed, is that Calum sang the whole song because Calum is underrated in the band.

Most people are like," no it's Ashton!1!1!1!1!" "no it's Michael!1!!1!1!1"

Bitch it's Calum Thomas Hood, people always seem to forget about him the most and I just want to rip everyone's head off their body.

So in 2016, July 15th, I have to look back in this book ( I said that date because that day is my 5SOS soundcheck and concert ), and remember to make sure I find Calum first ( idc if I see the other boys, I'm finding Calum first, hugging him, telling him how much I love him to pieces and just basically everything about him.

Amywho, since I have a big yet strange addiction with Dan and Phil and Markiplier atm, I'm gonna go watch them now! Goodbye and stay spøøky 💀✌️

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