Intro/Part 1: Love At First Sight

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 Hi, my name is Destiny. I'm a HUGE Belieber, but I get bullied for it everyday. My dream is to meet Justin, but I doubt that's ever gonna happen. He has a girlfriend named Kaitlyn and she's gorgeous, so that makes my chances of meeting him and dating him even slimmer. Anyways, I play sports like softball, volleyball, basketball, ect. My best friend's name is Haley, she...'s like the only friend I have, sadly. But she's better than having a lot of friends. She knows everything that's going on in my life, she's like my sister. I love her.

-Justin's POV-

Ugh! A house full of girls. "Alexis, Tamara, Katie, shut up! I'm trying to study," I groaned. They're my sisters. I wanted to get done studying before my cousin, Rebecca, came. I hadn't seen her in forever. Okay, so I have a girlfriend. Her name is Kaitlyn and she's the best girlfriend ever, well, other than her constant selfishness and greediness - she wants everything in the world! They wouldn't shut up. So I texted my bestfriend, Dani, and asked her if I could come and study at her house. She said yes so I packed my books and walked over there.

-Destiny's POV-

"Destiny, wake up! Breakfast is ready!" my mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I threw the pillow over my head and groaned. I looked at the clock. 6:00 AM.

"Are you coming or not? I'm leaving for work!" she said. I looked at the clock and realized 20 minutes had already passed. I jumped out of bed and dug through my closet. "Nothing to wear," ...I said to myself. I saw my Justin shirt and smiled, but my smile turned into a frown. Should I wear this? I wondered to myself. Bullies. I decided I shouldn't. I chose a floral shirt and jean shorts. I put it on and walked to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I curled my long brown hair and applied some makeup. I walked downstairs and saw breakfast sitting on the table, but it was cold. I rolled my eyes and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I ate and then texted Haley. "Hey let's walk together?" She texted back. "Sure. On my way." I put my shoes and backpack on and walked out the door to wait for her. I finally saw her and we walked to school.

-Justin's POV-

An all new school. Wow. I started walking to school and on my way, I saw a girl I never seen before. She was gorgeous. Long brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, tan skin. I noticed she was very thin. I wondered if she got bullied? I walked faster to get a closer look. When I got there, I saw her and her friend. I took a deep breath and walked over to them.


Hope you guys liked it! The girl in the picture on the right is Destiny, the main girl.

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