Part 14: Phone.

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-Justin's POV-

"Hurry upppppppp!" Destiny whined, grabbing my hand with both of hers and shaking it.

I laughed. "I am! I don't want to get a stomach ache!"

She playfully rolled her eyes. I laughed. "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. Tonight you're gonna meet my parents. For real."

"But, I wanted to spend some alone time with you. You know, because I almost died. And I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. Pwease." She gave me the puppy dog eyes and stuck her bottom lip out.

"Okay, princess. Whatever you want."

"Yay!" she smiled.


-Destiny's POV-

I just realized I haven't checked my phone in days. I grabbed it from the table next to me. "I have to check something," I told Justin.

"Oh, I told your mom about it. I told her you would call her back as soon as you could."

I turned my phone on. "Thanks."

When it was on, I saw 5 missed calls from my mom. 2 from the day before yesterday, 1 from yesterday, and 2 from today. I unlocked my phone without checking anything else, and called my mom.

"Hello? Destiny? Are you alright?"

"Yes, mom. I'm fine."

"You have a boyfriend? Justin Bieber? Why didn't you tell me? Are you sure you're okay? What happened?" she asked, ignoring me.

"MOM! I'm fine. I was going to meet his parents. Justin looked at me for a second and some idiot crashed into us! Yes, Justin Bieber. He's my boyfriend. I didn't tell you because I've been super busy lately, sorry. I haven't been going to school for about a week or two. I'm going back soon, on the last day. When I recover."

"Okay, Hun. I have to go. Meeting soon.  Love ya! Bye."

"Love you too. Bye."

I hung up and checked my other missed called, 20 from Haley. Gosh. I called her, she answered right away.

"Hello? Destiny?"

"Hey," I said.

"I've been trying to get ahold of you for-"

I cut her off. "Look. Let me explain. I was going to meet Justin's parents and we crashed. I'm still alive. No big deal."

"No big deal?! NO. BIG. DEAL. It's kind of a big deal when my best friend nearly died and I never found out!"

"Calm down! I'm sorry."

"I cant talk to you right now. Bye!"


She hung up.

I checked my Facebook. There were a few posts about me getting in that wreck. I went to Amy's profile. (The lead mean, popular bully.) "Twig girl got in a crash. I hope she dies." I went to my home page. Now I saw hurtful stuff. Everyone was now posting about me dying and stuff. I saw a post from Haley. "What's going on? What happened?" There was 1 comment from one of Amy's girls from her "army." It said: "Why don't you find out? She's YOUR bestfriend."

I started crying. Justin took my phone and read everything. He turned it off and set it on the table after a few minutes. He hugged me.

"I could just kill all of them right now. No one can hurt you. I'm gonna do something."

"No Justin. It's fine."

He sighed. "No, it's not."

"Oh, Haley's mad at me. Like, super mad."

"She'll get over it. She's your bestfriend."

"I guess. Can we leave now?" I asked.

He nodded. "Let's go check out."

"Okay. I'm gonna change back into my normal clothes. Where are they?" I asked.

He pointed towards the corner. of the room. I saw my clothes.

"See you in a minute," he said, walking out of the room. I nodded.

I grabbed my clothes and changed in the corner, but I locked the door before I did so.

 I walked out and gave the hospital clothes back. And then Justin and I got in his car and left.

"Let's go to my house," I suggested.

"Okay," he said, getting out of the parking lot. He drove to my house and pulled up in the driveway.


I'm not gonna ask you guys to cote or comment, I just need some people to read it, and then I'll update! (: Xoxo, thanks, love you guys!

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