Part 10: Hospital

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-Katie's POV-

'One Thing' by One Direction started playing, I sat up and looked around the room, my forehead crinkled in confusion. There was no stereo in my room! My face went back to normal and I slapped my head because of my stupidity; that was my ringtone. I picked my phone up and answered, not checking the caller ID.


"Hello, is this Katie Bieber?"

"Yeah. Who's this?"

"This is Dr. Gonzales. Your brother and his girlfriend ha-"

"Justin has a girlfriend?!"

"Yes, but they've gotten in a serious accident and they have severe injuries. I called you because your mother wouldn't answer her phone. Please get your sisters, mom, and anyone else who needs to know and bring them, Justin seems very upset."

"Okay, but is he okay?!" I was worried.

"He's fine, but his girlfriend might not be. We're having a hard time keeping her alive. Please come quick."

The line went dead and I set my phone down. I rushed out of the room and went into Alexis's room.

"Alexis, Justin and his girlfriend, don't ask, have gotten into a car accident. We have to go to the hospital!"

I heard her get up and walk across the room as I rushed to Tamara's room.

"Get ready, we have to go to the hospital. Justin and his girlfriend have gotten into a car accident."

I walked out of the room before she could say anything.

"Where are they?" Mom wondered out loud.

"Mom, get your shoes on. They've gotten into a car accident and we have to go to the hospital."

She raised her eyebrows and frowned, she got her shoes on.

"Come on guys!" Mom called.

Alexis and Tamera walked out of the hallway and we walked outside, getting into mom's minivan. She inserted the key and started driving before we could buckle. We drove there in silence, nobody said a word because we were all so shocked. We arrived at the hospital and rushed in.

"We're Justin Bieber's family, we need to see him," mom said.

-Pattie's POV-

"Okay, ma'am. Room 127 and 128 is where him and Destiny are."

"Destiny?" Tamara asked.

I nodded. "His girlfriend."

We ran to the elevator and went up, and walked to room 127. We walked in to see Justin with some cuts and bruises on his face, blood on his arms and legs. He was asleep. I walked over to him and knelt down.

"Justin?" I shook him and he opened his eyes and turned to face me.


I started bawling. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Where's Destiny?"

"Room 128."

-Justin's POV-

"I need to see her!"

I sat up and groaned, it was painful.

"No Justin. I think you should rest for a little bit," mom said.

"No, mom! I need to see her!"

I stood up and limped into the next room. Room 129. "M-may I please be with her for a moment? Alone?" I asked the doctor.

He nodded and walked out of the room.

My gaze moved over to the hospital bed. "D-Destiny?" She looked horrible.

I limped over to her and knelt down by her said. I gripped her hand and stared at the tubes all over her body, going through her mouth. The beeping of the machine was normal.

"I-I'm sorry," I said. "This is all my fault!" I raised my voice. I kissed her forehead. "If it wasn't for me, none of this ever would've happened. "I'm sorry. So sorry."

The machine beeping sped up and my eyes widened. It got fast and the nurses and doctors walked in. "You need to get out, sir."


More soon! 5+ votes, 3+ comments for more! (:

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