Chapter 8

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It had been three days since Gerard and I confessed our feelings to each other and I had never felt so happy. I didn't wanna leave that place, I didn't wanna be away from Gerard. We had to keep it a secret though, because we didn't wanna get bullied or separated or whatever.

"Frank Iero" a familiar voice said my name from the other side of the fences. It was officer Toro.


"You're going to court tomorrow morning at 10AM, good luck." He informed me and then left.

"I had completely forgotten about it..." I whispered worried. What if they set me free? I felt Gerard's arms around my waist.

"I hope you don't have to leave." He whispered sadly.

"You know I'll come to see you everyday if I get out." I kissed his cheek.

"But it's not the same, I'd feel lonely... I'm gonna miss seeing you everyday"

"I'd be alone too, I have no one else apart from you."

"You have a nice now, remember?" He laughed.

"Yeah but I don't think your brother would want me to spend time with her"

"He's just scared of me, that's all; he cares about you, he was afraid I was gonna hurt you or something, but I could never do that. Oh and by the way, the day he came to visit me, remember when I was talking to him away from you?" I nodded. "Well I was telling him I liked you so he already knows, that's why we were so surprised when Susan called you Uncle Frank. To be honest he encouraged me to tell you, so you should thank him when you see him, okay?"

"Okay, I will"

(A/N: I know this was short, shitty and boring as fuck but just wait because there's a surprise for next chapter... By the way, does anyone wanna help me write smut? ;) )

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