Chapter 22

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I got home and first thing I did was checking the phone. It wasn't even 8 yet and I had no missing calls. Mikey was probably still asleep, but I didn't care. I called him.

"Frank? Is everything alright?" He said still half-asleep.

"Where's Gerard?" I asked straight away.


"I said where. is. Gerard." I repeated trying to calm my nerves. "He's with you, right? He must be there, I went to prison and-"

"Wait, you went to prison? Why and what time even is it?"

"Mikey, just tell me if he's there or not." He sighed.

"Yes he is. But he is also still asleep. You can come if you want to, though."

I texted Mikey when I was at his door. I didn't want to ring the bell or knock in the door because I didn't want to wake Gerard up.

"Good morning!" I said to Mikey as he let me in.

"Frank will you tell me what's going-"

"Shhh, where's Gerard?"

"There on the couch, you know the way. I'll go back to bed and leave you two lovebirds alone" Thanks Mikey.

I had forgotten how lovely and cute Gerard looked while he was sleeping. And I felt as happy as can be, because now I was going to be able to see him sleeping as much as I wanted. And not in a stinky prison anymore, but at home. I sat next to his head, playing with his hair. It was greasy as always.

"Good morning..." I whispered in his ear and he frowned. I bet he wasn't used to being waken up like that and I bet he wasn't expecting me to be the one waking him up. "Don't you recognize my voice?" He rubbed his eyes. "Frankie?" He mumbled when he finally saw me. "What are you doing here? And what time is it? I wanted to sleep"

"Okay, then let's go back to sleep." The sofa wasn't big enough for the two of us, but that wasn't going to stop me from cuddling with my finally free boyfriend. I kissed his cheek. "We'll talk about it when you wake up again later."

"Frankie, you awake?" Gerard whispered.

"Hmm?" He turned around to face me.

"Why did you come to Mikey's house? Did you know I was here? If so, how?"

"I had a nightmare about you. Why did you never tell me which day you were going to be out?"

"I wanted to surprise you." He smiled. "We were planning on going to your house in the morning and surprise you. Because we guessed you thought I'd still be in prison. Surprised ruined." He laughed.

"Well in the end, I surprised you" I smiled.

"I love you, Frankie"

"I love you too, Gee"

We had breakfast all together as a family and it felt so comfortable. Susan was more than excited about it, she had never seen his uncle in their house. Mikey also looked kinda happy, I bet deep inside he missed his brother, although he would never admit it. Pete was also glad for us. We still had a lot to figure out about our future, but that didn't worry me at all at the moment. Because for the first time in my life, I didn't feel alone. I knew I had people I could count on, no matter what. And I had hopes and dreams. And I was not going to let anyone take that from me.

(A/N: What a short chapter, but that's it, fanfic finished. Thanks for reading! I will try to edit it because my writing skills are shit in most chapters but I won't be in a hurry. Love you guys, have a nice Halloween, time to get spooky xD)

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