Chapter 14

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The next day, I went to see Gerard again. But when I arrived, he was already in the visits room, with his brother.
"Uncle Frank!!!" Susan screamed running to me.
"Hi!!" I hugged her.
"We were just talking about you." Gerard greeted me.
"Come on, let's be honest, you're always talking about me!" I joked. "Uh, by  the way, Gerard, I think I shouldn't come to visit you so often... I  don't have a car and coming by taxi is fucking expensive and you know I  don't have much money... Sorry."
"Hey, if that's the problem... We only come at the weekend but if you want to, you can come with us for free." Mikey suggested. (A/N: I made a typo here and actually wrote Miley instead of Mikey and I couldn't stop laughing) "And I can also talk to Pete, maybe he can leave you here on his way to work."
"Well... Thank you so much but I don't mean to be a bother..."
"It's okay, you're now part of the family." Mikey smiled. Yes, he actually smiled. "Oh and Gerard told me you haven't found a job yet, right?" I nodded. "You like taking care of little children, don't you? At least you seem to get along really well with Susan."
"Yeah, I like being with little kids but I have never actually though about taking care of them as a responsability."
"I was thinking that you could put an advertisement or something for babysitting. I can also tell the parents of some Susan's friends if you want to. No pressure, just let ne know when you decide what to do." I guess I was wrong at thinking Mikey didn't like me. I was glad he was trying to help me, maybe it was because he knew deep inside that it wasn't easy to deal with Gerard and he felt kinda sorry for me.
"I'll think about it, it seems like a good idea." (A/N: not a band oops sorry)
"You can give me your number if you want to and I'll call you when I speak with Pete about the car rides." He suggested and we exchanged numbers.

I had told Gerard I wanted to talk more with him but, since his brother and niece were there, it felt kinds awkward.
"So what were you talking about me?" I tried to bring up a topic for a conversation.
"I told Mikey about what happened yesterday." Gerard explained looking at Susan, reminding me to be careful of what I say.
"Hmm... I see..."
"Well, I'm glad you made up with him. I mean, he doesn't truly deserves it but I'm glad you did." Rude Mikey was back.
"He doesn't hold a grudge like you do." Gerard fought back.
"Maybe that's because you didn't hurt someone close to him."
"I hurt someone who had hurt you, Mikey, it was for revenge and it was a mistake and I'm tired of apologizing."
"But that's not an excuse, Gerard, what's done is done."
"Then stop bringing it back."
"Hey, let's avoid hard feelings, okay?" I tried to intervene.
"Frank, I'm leaving now, are you coming with us or are you taking another taxi cab?" Mikey seemed to have had enough for today. I looked at Gerard.
"You need to save money, you better go with him." He walked to me and kissed my cheek. "Goodbye, I love you."
"I love you too." I blushed.
"Is Uncle Frank coming with us?" Susan asked excited. Unlike many adults, the girl had no problem with a man loving another man. "He's not grounded anymore?"
"Yes, I can go out now!" I smiled to her.
"Then we can go to the park together!! Can we go to the park, daddy?" She asked Mikey with puppy eyes.
"Okay...." He sighed and I waver goodbye to Gerard one more time before leaving.

(A/N: Sorry once again for taking me so long to update but I was busy last weekend and I was gonna publish this chapter last night, I was right about to do it but then something amazing happened so I couldn't and well I don't know how I always manage to update right the day before an exam hahahahaha... Haha... I don't know shit for tomorrow's exam so I better keep studying now.... Hope you enjoyed it and goodbye <3)

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