Chapter 16

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Not seeing Gerard always made me feel lonely and guilty. I tried to tell myself that he would be okay, but I couldn't help worrying about him so I couldn't get much sleep.
I woke up really late, with the sound of my phone ringing. It was an unkown number.
"Hello? This is Frank." I picked up the phone, trying not to sound too sleepy and tired.
"Hi, Frank! I'm Pete, Mikey talked with you yesterday, right?"
"Yeah" I answered stretching. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, yes, I just wanted to ask you if you were planning on going to prison today. You know, in case you want me to carry you." Ah, of course I wanted to see Gerard.
"Yeah, okay, I think Mikey told me you start working at 2..." I checked the clock. It was fucking 12am already. Dammit.
"I could pick you up at 1:30, at the parking near the park you went yesterday if it's okay with you."
"Okay, perfect, see you later there." I hung up. I quickly got up, had some kind of brunch, showered and got ready to go.

Luckily, I wasn't late. I waited a few minutes for Pete but then I realized I had never seen him. What if I ended up in a stranger's car pretending to be him? The sound of someone hooting at me woke me up from my thoughts.
There was no doubt it was Pete, he was driving Mikey's car. I waved him hello and approached it.
"Hi, I think this is the first time we see each other!" Pete said as I got into the car.
"Hi, yeah. But Mikey has talked so much about you that I feel as if I've known you for a while." I laughed.
"Aw, stupid Mikey..." He smiled as he slowly shook his head. "He's lovesick. Well, so are you, prisoner in love." He joked.
"I still can't believe how I ended up like this." I confessed. "One day I was scared to death to be in jail and now I come back anytime I can."
"It's all about chemicals. (A/N: SORRYNOTSORRY)" He explained. "When two people are under pressure or in a dangerous situation they are more likely to fall in love. It is becase of the situation. I'm sure that being there in prison made your love grew stronger."
"Do you know Gerard?" I asked. It was probably because we were talking about him but I was enjoying the conversation with Pete.
"Sure! I've been friends with Mikey since high school, I knew his brother before he..." He stopped for a second, thinking of an appropiated way to continue the sentence. "Before the incident happened."
We both stayed quiet for a while. I didn't know what to say because I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. He was doing me a big favor after all.
"Thank you," I finally said, "I mean, for bringing me to see Gerard and for taking the trouble to help me finding a job."
"It's not a problem, I like helping people, you know. And also you're a nice guy, I really hope things start getting better for you soon."
After a few more minutes of awkward silence and small talk, we arrived to prison.
"Here we are!" He said as he stopped the car. "Have fun and say hello to Gerard from me."
"I will and thank you again."

It was early but at least I'd had arrive without spending a dollar.
I started wondering how many love stories could have started in this sick place. How many couples could have broken up because of this place. It's incredible how one single act can change your life forever. Maybe it was destiny, and I was put on prison to meet him.
"Who did you come to see, sir?" An office asked me and I came back to Earth.
"Gerard Way." I answered, and the expression of his face let me know he knew him.
"Five more minutes and he'll be here. Your name is...?"
"Frank. Frank Iero."

Gerard entered the room waving at me, with a big smile in his face.
"Hey, babe!" I greeted him before wrapping him around my arms. "Did you miss me?"
"Of course I did. I'm still not used to this feeling." I grinned and stared at him. The heartless man who killed someone and beated another person talking about feelings.
"Me neither. But I like it, except for the part in which I'm alone and missing you." I kissed him and he pushed me closer.
"I wish we didn't have people looking at us." He stated.
"I wish we could meet out of this place." I replied. "Oh and by the way, I have a lot of things to tell you. And Pete told me to say hello to you from him."

(A/N: What the fuck? I've had this chapter written for weeks and I forgot to publish it smh sorry for the waiting and hope you enjoy <3)

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