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Its been a week since the night me and Rose had. One week and I've still got nothing. She hasn't told me much since then. But I know I'm gaining her trust and I think she might just be falling for me like my dad had planned for in the first place.

We had hanged out all this week and it was the best. We helped out at the bookstore now and then. We'd go for breakfast and maybe lunch at the café. We'd go to the beach sometimes and back to the junk yard at night to watch the stars. It was one of the best weeks I've had in a while. Well when I say a while, I mean years.

The last time I had such a good time was when my mum and sister was around but of course my dad drove them out. They didn't want anything to do with the gang as they didn't want to get hurt. They tried telling my dad that he should just give it up. Move away with them and start the family in a new place but he wouldn't listen of course. So off they went. Off to a little village in Kent to start new. I only knew this because mum use to write to me. She would tell me everything her and Jemma had done. She only did this because I was little and didn't understand what was going on. She hoped that when I got older I would move out with her and Gemma but of course I didn't. I'm still here because my dad dragged me into this mess and I cant really stop now. I cant leave the boys behind. This is my family. Mum stopped writing when she realised that I wasn't coming to move with her. I guess she was disgusted with me that I chose this life over being with her and Gemma. I don't blame her. I'm quite disgusted with myself. Why would I chose this life of danger over a new start with mum and Gem? I didn't know then and to this day I still don't know. I've tried contacting mum but she never replied. I wrote letters to the same address before but I don't know if they've moved or not. I'd do anything to see them again. Even if it was just for a day.

"Harry?" I looked up and saw Rose standing there. I forgot I had knocked on her door. I must've got too deep into my thoughts.

"Hey, yea, sorry. Was in deep thought" I chuckled as she invited me into her flat.

"Yea I could tell what were you thinking about?" She asked and I decided I would tell her. Minus the gang part of course.

"I don't know I was just thinking about how this past week has been amazing, really. I was thinking about how the last time I had such a good time was when my mum and sister was around." I explained as we both sat down on her couch.

"Where are your mum and sister? If you don't mind me asking" She said shyly.

"No its fine. They moved to a village in Kent when I was little"

"Oh why? I mean why did you stay here with your dad and not go. Both of you that is" She asked and I didn't want to say anything about dad staying her for the gang so I decided to say it was because of his job.

"My dad didn't want to quit his job. His a workaholic you could say." I laughed a little as I said this. "So dad decided he was going to stay. Him and mum had an argument about this but it didn't change his mind. So she decided to go. Gemma wanted to go with her so mum took her."

"What about you?"

"I was to young to know what was really happening to be honest. I thought mum and Gemma were just going on a little girls holiday like they use to when I was first born but they never came back. I found out dad told mum he wanted me to stay with him and that's why she didn't take me. Mum didn't want to argue anymore so left. She sent me letters for a couple years telling me about what her and Gemma were up to and I wrote some back. It was nice." I explained as Rose now had her hands in mine for comfort.

"Do you still do that? Send letters I mean" She asked and I shook my head.

"No they stopped when I turned 17."


"I don't know exactly but I have a good guess."

"Which is?"

"I think mum thought that when I got older I would move out with dad and move in with her. And maybe even bring dad with me. I don't know but I guess she stopped when I turned 17 cause she realised I wasn't coming to move in with her. I was staying here with dad, with all my best mates. I guess she gave up on me like she gave up on dad" I explained my theory and Rose looked at me with sympathy.

"I'm sorry Harry. You don't deserve this but have you ever thought of maybe going to find her or getting in contact with her again?"

"I have I wrote letters everyday up until last year when I gave up. I mean I have her address but she might've moved now, I don't know. I've thought about going to see her before, I have."

"And did you?"

"No. I packed some stuff for a couple of nights and drove around London for a couple of hours before turning back to go home. I was too scared.  I thought she wouldn't want to see me. I still have that bag of clothes in my car since then"

"You should go." Was all she replied with.


"You should go. You should go see your mum and your sister. As much as you might think she gave up on you or something, you're probably wrong. She's a mother, she probably just wants to see her son who she hasn't seen since he was little. She's missed out on a lot. She's probably beating herself up about it." She said and I thought about what she said as she got up to make us some tea.

"Would you come with me?" I blurted out.

"What?" She said shocked as she turned round to look at me. I was now standing and walking towards her.

"Would you come with me? To see my mum and sister, if I were to go" I asked again and she looked shocked as she stood there looking at me.

"Why would you want me to come with you?"

"I know I've only know you for a little while but your the only person who's actually listen to me talk about my mum and sister and actually proper listened not just pretended. Your the only person who has actually told me to go see her when I'm scared. Plus I would need someone I trust to be there to make sure I don't wimp out of it" I chuckled at the end and so did she.

"Okay I'll come with you" She smiled and I smiled back.

"Yes!!" I shouted as I ran up to her and picked her up and spun her around.

"Harry!" She squealed as she heled onto my shoulders tight.

I slowly put her down. Now we were standing chest to chest, nose to nose. We were so close I could kiss her and right now it felt right to do, so I did. I moved my head a inch closer and kissed her and luckily she kissed back straight away. It was perfect. She was perfect.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt