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"What's with the smile on your face?" Louis asked as soon as I stepped into the house.

"What'd you mean?" I said cluelessly.

"Oh don't act like that you know exactly what I mean" Louis smirked.

"Nope I don't know anything" I smirked as I walked past Louis pushing him playfully.

"Yes yo-"


Mine and Louis' playfulness didn't last long as my fathers voice bellowed through the hallway.

"Great" I muttered as I sluggishly walked to the meeting room.

"Yes?" I asked as I walked in and saw him sitting by a computer.

"We need to talk."

"About?" I asked taking a seat opposite him.

"About this mission and about 'Rose'" He said using quotations marks over her name like he always does, since we found out that's not her real name.

"What about it? Its going well." I state.

"Obviously not that well. Zayn found out that the Walker gang are having a emergency meeting-"

"So whats that got to do with this?"

"Rose was the one to call it." That sentence shut me up and made me listen. "She obviously is very pissed off with what I did to her flat and wants revenge not just for her but for her parents as well which means this time she's going to come back twice as hard as anyone as every fought before."

"I'm not exactly understanding."

"Maybe the boys can explain it better then me, boys!" And in walked Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall.

"What Des is trying to say is that Rose has a lot of built up anger in her, especially for us. I mean our gang killed her parents and she never got to met them. All she's ever know about life is to defend herself and fight for her life. She doesn't know anything normal unlike us. Which means we are going to be hit hard and we wont know anything about it" Liam explain which made me think back to what my mum had said, as she had said exactly the same thing.

"We need to get ahead of them, of her. We thought we already was but apparently we wasn't" Zayn pitched in and I nodded.

"We're never going to be ahead of her" I state and they all sighed.

"How do you know that?" Des asked.

"Because no one ever is. Not even her own gang can get ahead of her. No one knows what goes on in that brain of hers, except for her. Like you said all she's ever known is to defend and fight for her life. None of us have been brought up like that and no one else we know has. Just her. There's no one like her which means we wont ever get ahead of her. We just have to make sure we are ready for whatever hits us" I said and they all nodded, agreeing.

"That's why we need to you try get more information out of her and soon. Even if its just her real name, anything will work right now" Niall decided to speak up.

"I'm trying, you know that, she's just hard to get through to but I think I'm getting there"

"I think that's all I need to talk to you about so you all can go" Des dismissed us and we all walked out me being the last with my head hung low.

"You alright, Haz?" Lou said using my nickname I hadn't heard since I was a teenager.

"Yea I will be" I said as I grabbed my car keys and walked out.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt